42 chess engines ( more ) : BrainFish 200409, BrainFish 200420, Chess22k 1.14, CorChess 2020-04-14, CorChess 2020-04-24, Demolito 2020-04-13, Demolito 2020-04-17, Demolito 2020-04-21, Demolito 2020-04-26, DON, Ethereal 12.06, Ethereal 12.09, Ethereal 12.11, FabChess 1.14.1, Foxsee 3.2.1, Foxsee 3.2.2, Greko 2020.03, lc0 0.25.0-rc2, Maelic SuperStar, Minic 2.08, Minic 2.09, Monolith 2, Raubfisch X42_and GTZ21, Raubfisch X42a_and_GTZ21a, Raubfisch_X42b_and_GTZ21b, Roc 1.6, rofChade 2.3, Rubichess 1.7.1, Sapeli 1.84, Stockfish 20041308, Sting-sf 20, Stockfish 20041220, Stockfish 20041309, Stockfish 20041408, Stockfish 20041508, Stockfish 20041621, Stockfish 20041621_Lolligerhans, Stockfish 20041621_Xoto10, Stockfish 20041815, Stockfish 20042208, Stockfish Exp 230420, Weiss 0.10. GUI: Banksia 0.21, Nibbler 1.2.2, Scid vs PC-4.21. ================================================ Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not wan...