Only for donors added: 27 chess engines (for Windows), 13 chess engines (for Android), GUI (2 files).

27 chess engines: Berserk 3.1.0, Berserk 3.2.0, Bit-Genie 1.0.0, Bit-Genie 2, Booot 6.5, Cfish 2021-03-24 Janus compiles, Cfish 2021-03-24 M.Z. compiles, Cfish 2021-03-24 Scorpio compiles, Cfish 24-03-21 Chessman_compiles, Demolito 2021-03-26, Demolito 28-03-2021, Eman 6.95, Foxsee 6.3.1, Mayhem 3.6, Mayhem 3.7, Mayhem 3.5, Megalodon 0.2.5, Raubfisch X44e2_and_GTZ23e2, ShashChess 16, Stockfish 21032717, SugaR AI 1.70, SugaR AI 1.90, SugaR AI 1.90 ICCF, SugaR_AI 1.80, SugaR_AI 1.80 ICCF, Zahak 0.3.0, Zahak 1.0.0 alpha1. 13 chess engines for Android: Cheng 4.41 dev 210310, CorChess 230321, Demolito 2021-03-28, FoxSEE 6.3.1, Laser 1.8, Scorpio 3.0.12-dev-210321, Seer 1.2.1, Sting 27, Stockfish 310321, SugaR AI-1.60, SugaR_AI 1.70, SugaR_AI 1.80 ICCF, SugaR_AI 1.80. GUI : Nibbler-2.0.2 linux, Nibbler 2.0.2 windows. ================================================ Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long t...