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New chess opening book: M9.5 (bin)

Chess engine: CorChess 2020-10-31 NNUE

Spike 1.4 wins JCER League group E2 edition 39, 2020.10.27 - 2020.10.29

Chess engine: Foxsee 5.21

Chess engine: Cinnamon 2.3.3 (Windows, Mac, Linux and Android)

Chess engine: Combusken 1.4

Chess engine: Raubfisch X43d and GTZ22d and NNUE

Only for donors added: 16 chess engines.

Fisherov 0.93c NNUE wins JCER Fritz Tournament (Test new engines), 2020.10.29 - 2020.10.30

Chess engine: Stockfish 20102823 and NNUE

Stockfish 20102808 wins JCER Test new engines, 2020.10.29 - 2020.10.30

Chess engine: OliThink 5.9.0 (Windows, Linux and Mac)

Chess engine: Cinnamon 2.3.2

Chess engine: Stockfish 20102808_SFisGOD and NNUE

Chess engine: Stockfish 20102808 and NNUE

Chess engine: Crystal 2020-10-27 NNUE

Chess engine: Stash 22

Chess engine: MrBob 0.9.0

Chess engine: Eubos 1.1.4

Chess engine: Belofte 2.0.6

Chess engine: Cfish 2020-10-27 and NNUE

Stockfish 270920 NNUE 1 League JCER edition 39, 2020.10.25 - 2020.10.28

Kohai 1.0 wins group E1, League JCER edition 39, 2020.10.25 - 2020.10.27

Chess engine: Cinnamon 2.3.1

Chess engine: Igel 2.8.0 NNUE

Chess engine: Halogen 8.0 and NNUE

Chess engine: Cfish 2020-10-26 and NNUE

Cfish 231020 NNUE wins JCER - Fritz Tournament (Test new engines), 2020.10.23 - 2020.10.25

Chess engine: BBC 1.4 + Sztokfisz NNUE

Texel 1.08a13 wins JCER - Arena Test new engines, 2020.10.23 - 2020.10.25

Ethereal 12.75 NNUE wins JCER CUP-2020 Group 6, 2020.10.17-25, Temp 60' + 10"

First Test Supernova 2.1.4, 2020.10.24-25

Only for donors added: 31 chess engines, 2 book.

Chess engine: Stockfish 20102220_syzygy1 and NNUE

CiChess NNUE 041020 for Android

First Test chess engine Cosette 2.0, 2020.10.23-24

GoldOno 7.0 wins JCER - Android Chess Engines Tournament, 2020.10.23

JCER Match: Cfish 221020-Fisherov 0.93c, 3'+3", 2020.10.22 - 2020.10.23