
Showing posts from June, 2014

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Mars 1.91 - (strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 26.06.2014

Mars - UCI chess engines   Ratings JCER older version: Mars 1.5 - 3048, Mars 1.7 - 3041, Mars 1.1 - 2985, Mars 1 - 2911, Mars 1.8 - 2880, Mars 1.6 - 2830 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Mars 1.91 download

Jurek Chess Engines Rating. Test new chess engines: Deuterium, SmarThink 1.60, Rhetoric 1.4, Sjakk 2.1, NoraGrace 1.0 and Orion 0.2

2014.06.23-24 JCER Test New Versions Engines R Engine Score De Sm Rh Go Sj Ch No Or S-B 1 Deuterium x64 24.0/28 · ·· · ==1= 0=11 1111 1=11 =111 1111 1111  276,50  2 SmarThink 1.60 x64 24.0/28 ==0= · ·· · ==11 111= 1111 1111 1111 1111  265,25  3 Rhetoric 1.4 x64 18.5/28 1=00 ==00 · ·· · 101= 1011 ==1= 1111 1111  188,25  4 Godel 3.4.9 x64 16.5/28 0000 000= 010= · ·· · =1=1 1=11 1111 1111  137,75  5 Sjakk 2.1 x64 12.5/28 0=00 0000 0100 =0=0 · ·· · 01=1 1111 11=1  95,25  6 Cheese 1.61 x64 11.0/28 =000 0000 ==0= 0=00 10=0 · ·· · 1=11 111=  86,00  7 NoraGrace 1.0 3.0/28 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0=00 · ·· · 1=10  11,75  8 Orion 0.2 2.5/28 0000 0000 0000 0000 00=0 000= 0=01 · ·· ·  16,25  112 games download , Temp: 3' + 3", Hardware: Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit b...

Hospital chess


SmarThink 1.60 - UCi chess engine. New version 23.06.2014

SmarThink , - UCI chess engine Author - Sergei S. Markoff,  website   SmarThink 1.60  All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Sjakk 2.1 UCI chess engine. New version 23.06.2013

Sjakk - UCI chess engine Author - Jacob Børs Lind JCER ratings older version: Sjakk 2.0 = 2305, Sjaak 2.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Deuterium book - new version 21.06.2014

Deuterium book - 21.06.2014 download

Deuterium - UCI chess engine. New version 15.02.2014

Deuterium  - UCI chess engine    Website Ratings JCER older version: Deuterium = 2644 Deuterium = 2629 Deuterium download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Houdini 4 wins test tournament Jurek Chess Engines Rating. 21-22.06.2014

JCER, TestTournament, 2014.06.21 - 2014.06.22 P Engines Score Houd Gull 3 Stock Critt Komo Strel +/-/= 1 Houdini 4 x64 23.5 / 40 XXXXX ==1==11= 000===== ====1=11 ==0=11== =10111== +12 -5 =23 2 Gull 3 x64 22.5 / 40 ==0==00= XXXXX 11==1=10 1001==== 0101=111 =1==1=== +13 -8 =19 3 Stockfish 160614 64 SSE4.2 22.0 / 40 111===== 00==0=01 XXXXX ==1==1== ====1110 ===10=== +10 -6 =24 4 Critter 1.6a 64-bit 19.0 / 40 ====0=00 0110==== ==0==0== XXXXX 1=000011 11==1==1 +9 -11 =20 5 Komodo 7a 64-bit 18.0 / 40 ==1=00== 1010=000 ====0001 0=111100 XXXX =10==1== +10 -14 =16 6 Strelka 6 w32 15.0 / 40 =01000== =0==0=== ===01=== 00==0==0 =01==0== XXXXX +3 -13 =24 120 games download, book: Perfect 2014,  Table and GUI:Fritz 12 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit  TEMP ...

Komodo 7a wins Jurek Chess Engines Rating test tournament. 2014.06.21-22

JCER Test Tournament, 2014.06.21 - 2014.06.22 M Engines Score (Tie) Komo Fire Gull Stre Crit Deep Chir Blac 1: Komodo 7a 64-bit 18.5 / 28 231.00 XXX =010 =0=0 =11= =1=1 1111 =101 1=11 2: Fire 3.0 x64 18.0 / 28 226.25 =101 XXX =01= ==0= ==11 ==1= 1111 ==1= 3: Gull 3 x64 17.5 / 28 218.25 =1=1 =10= XXX 011= =00= ==10 1=1= 1111 4: Strelka 6 w32 17.5 / 28 212.00 =00= ==1= 100= XXX 10== 1111 11=1 1=1= 5: Critter 1.6a 64-bit 15.5 / 28 192.00 =0=0 ==00 =11= 01== XXX 1=10 ===1 1=11 6: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 13.0 / 28 133.25 0000 ==0= ==01 0000 0=01 XXX 1111 1111 7: Chiron 2 64bit 6.5 / 28 88.25 =010 0000 0=0= 00=0 ===0 0000 XXX =0=1 8: BlackMamba 2.0 x64 5.5 / 28 74.50 0=00 ==0= 0000 0=0= 0=00 0000 =1=0 XXX 180 games download, Table and GUI:Fritz 14 Temp 3' + 3"    Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,...

Lucas Chess 8.08 new official version - best chess software

You have an extensive list of trainings with which to try to improve your chess: - Training positions - Play like a grandmaster - Training mates - Find best move - Learn openings by repetition  - Training with a book - Your daily test  - Resistance Test  - Learn tactics by repetition - Check your memory on a chessboard - Find all moves - Becoming a knight tamer  - Moves between two positions  - Determine your calculating power - Learn a game The program has 21 engines prepared to play from the start, and with very different levels, from 1300 to 3000 elo. This list of engines is not closed and you can add other ones with the only limitation that they use the UCI protocol. The game can be set, limiting the depth of analysis of the motor or the time used to think, or by modifying the way in which it decides. You can also choose the opening, or start in a certain position, or that the engine uses a book of openings or more or less aid. Younger children will b...

NoraGrace 1.0 - winboard chess engine. New version 21.06.2014

NoraGrace 1.0 - winboard chess engine Author - Eric Oldre Nora Grace 1.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Rhetoric 1.4 - UCI chess engine. New version 21.06.2014

Rhetoric - UCI chess engines Author - Alberto Sanjuan Rating JCER older versions - Rhetoric 1.2=2556, Rhetoric 1.1=2445, Rhetoric 1.0=2404 Rhetoric 1.4 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating, test tournament 19-21.06.2014

JCER Test Tournament, 2014.06.19 - 2014.06.21 P Engines Score Sto Sto Hou Bou Dee Boo Nem EX Arm Cra +/-/= 1: Stockfish 14061621 29.5 / 36 XXX ==1= =1=1 11== =1== 1111 1111 ==11 1111 11=1 +23 -0 =13 2: Stockfish 5 x64 27.0 / 36 ==0= XXX 1001 ===1 101= =111 1=11 1=11 1111 1111 +22 -4 =10 3: Houdini 1.5a x64 26.0 / 36 =0=0 0110 XXX 10== 1110 1==1 1=11 1111 11=1 1111 +22 -6 =8 4: Bouquet 1.8 x64 23.5 / 36 00== ===0 01== XXX ==== 1=11 ==1= 11=1 1=11 1111 +15 -4 =17 5: Deep Fritz 14 23.5 / 36 =0== 010= 0001 ==== XXX 1=11 =1== 111= 1111 1111 +17 -6 =13 6: Booot 5.2.0 x64 16.0 / 36 0000 =000 0==0 0=00 0=00 XXX =1== 1=11 1111 =111 +11 -15 =10 7: Nemo 1.0.1 14.5 / 36 0000 0=00 0=00 ==0= =0== =0== XXX =01= 1111 11== +7 -14 =15 8: EXchess 7.26b x64 8.5 / 36 ==00 0=00 0000 00=0 000...

Chess engine Mars - which version is best?

Mars - UCI chess engines   All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Jurek Chess Engines Rating - 18.06.2014 P3' + 3". Windows 64-bit 40 Mars 1.5 x64   : 3048 37 36 122 54.5 % 3017 64.8 % 46 Mars 1.7 beta x64 : 3041 47 48 50 48.0 % 3055 76.0 % 95 Mars 1.1 x64 : 2985 68 66 50 62.0 % 2900 52.0 % 161 Mars 1 x64 : 2911 161 148 20 77.5 % 2696 25.0 % 181 Mars 1.8 x64 : 2880 45 44 61 51.6 % 2868 73.8 % 197 Mars 1.6 x64 : 2830 50 48 90 67.2 % 2705 52.2 %

Stockfish 5 wins Jurek Chess Engines Rating test tournament. 2014.06.15-18, temp 10' + 10"

JCER Test Tournament, 2014.06.15 - 2014.06.18 P Engines Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1: Stockfish 5 64 8.5 / 11 17w+ 14b= 7w+ 16b+ 5b+ 3b= 4w= 2w= 9b+ 8b= 11w+ 2: Gull 3 x64 8.0 / 11 7w- 19b+ 13b= 8w+ 3w= 5w+ 9b+ 1b= 4w= 15b+ 12b+ 3: Houdini 1.5a 7.0 / 11 20b+ 9w= 16b= 4w+ 2b= 1w= 7b+ 6w+ 8w= 5w- 13b= 4: Komodo 7 7.0 / 11 19b+ 5w= 9b= 3b- 8w+ 6w+ 1b= 10w+ 2b= 11w= 7w= 5: Komodo 7a 6.5 / 11 12w+ 4b= 14w= 9b+ 1w- 2b- 10b= 11w= 7w+ 3b+ 8w= 6: Mars 1.8 x64 6.0 / 11 10b= 8w= 18b+ 14w= 7w= 4b- 12b+ 3b- 17w= 13w= 9b+ 7: Strelka 6 w32 6.0 / 11 2b+ 18w= 1b- 13w+ 6b= 14b+ 3w- 17w= 5b- 19w+ 4b= 8: PanChess 00.537 6.0 / 11 16w= 6b= 12b= 2b- 4b- 15w+ 13w+ 14w+ 3b= 1w= 5b= 9: Houdini 4 x64 5.5 / 11 11w+ 3b= 4w=...

Jurek Chess Engines Rating: Komodo 7a wins Swiss Test Tournament

JCER Swiss, 2014.06.15 - 2014.06.17 P Engine JCER Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chg 1: Komodo 7a 64-bit 3146 8.5 / 11 21b= 3b= 20w+ 11w= 4w= 13b+ 2w+ 5b+ 15w+ 10b= 6w+ +10 2: Houdini 4 x64 3137 7.5 / 11 14w= 8b+ 13w- 21b+ 19w+ 5b= 1b- 20w+ 11w+ 3b= 12w+ +3 3: Stockfish 5 x64 3206 7.5 / 11 15b= 1w= 24w+ 7w- 9b= 21w+ 12b+ 6b+ 5w= 2w= 4b+ -9 4: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 2988 6.5 / 11 28b+ 10w+ 5w= 19b= 1b= 12w= 20b= 15w= 9w+ 7b= 3w- +15 5: Strelka 6 w32 3070 6.5 / 11 25w+ 20w+ 4b= 13b+ 7w+ 2w= 15b= 1w- 3b= 6b- 8w= +4 6: DeepShredder 12 2785 6.5 / 11 20b- 25b= 28w= 22b+ 24w= 27w+ 19b+ 3w- 18b+ 5w+ 1b- +32 7: Komodo 7 x64t 3188 6.5 / 11 17w+ 13b= 19w= 3b+ 5b- 15w- 21w+ 9b= 12w= 4w= 20b+ -15 8: Houdini 1.5a x64 30...

Sayuri 2014.06.16 - new version chess engine UCI

Sayuri - UCI chess engine Author - Hironori Ishibashi Sayuri 2014.06.16 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Orion 0.2 - UCI chess engine. New version 16.06.2014

Orion - UCI chess engine Author - David Carteau Orion 0.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating: first test Mars 1.8

2014.06.14-15 JCER test Mars R Engine Score ***** 1 Mars 1.8 x64 25.5/50 ===0==1======1==1====0========1=0=00=========1===1 2 Mars 1.6 x64 24.5/50 ===1==0======0==0====1========0=1=11=========0===0 50 games download, book: Perfect 2014,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp 3' + 3"  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB RAM Operating system:  Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 5 wins test tournament Jurek Chess Engines Rating. 12-14.06.2014

JCER Test Tournament, 2014.06.12 - 2014.06.14 Player JCER Score Stock Houdini Komodo Gull 3 x Critter Deep Ryb Fire 3.0 BlackMa Chg 1 Stockfish 5 x64 3206 39.0 / 56 XXXXX 1====10= 1===10== ==11==== =111=1=1 1=1===11 111===== 1==11111 +0 2 Houdini 4 x64 3137 36.5 / 56 0====01= XXXXX 1=01==00 ====1111 =====01= =1==1111 =1=1==11 =111=111 +28 3 Komodo 7 x64 3188 32.5 / 56 0===01== 0=10==11 XXXXX ==00==1= 101010=0 11===1=1 =01011=1 =1111=1= -56 4 Gull 3 x64 3091 31.0 / 56 ==00==== ====0000 ==11==0= XXXXX ==011=== =01=011= 1111==1= =011=111 +11 5 Critter 1.6a x64 3051 26.5 / 56 =000=0=0 =====10= 010101=1 ==100=== XXXXX 01=1=010 1===1=1= =====100 +11 6 Deep Rybka 4.1 2994 21.0 / 56 0=0===00 =0==0000 00===0=0 =10=100= 10=0=101 XXXXX 011=0010 0=1=1=== +11 7 Fire 3.0 x64 3023 19.0 / 56 000===== =0=0==00 =10100=0 0000==0= 0===0=0= 100=...

Protej 0.5.8c - UCI chess engine. New version 14.06.2014

Protej  - UCI chess engine Author - Alex Brunetti Protej 0.5.8c download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

NG Play 9.85 - winboard chess engine. New version 14.06.2014

NG Play  - winboard chess engine Author - George Georgopoulos  JCER =2459 NG Play 9.85 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Mars 1.8 - (strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 14.06.2014

Mars - UCI chess engines Rating JCER=2993 Mars 1.8 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Houdini 1.5a wins Jurek Chess Engines Rating test tournament. 2014.06.09-12

JCER test Tournament, 2014.06.09 - 2014.06.12 P Engines JCER Score Hou Rob DS Pan Chi Spa Han Onn Fru Jon Chg 1: Houdini 1.5a x64 3035 26.5 / 36 XXX 1=== 01== ==== 1101 =11= =111 1111 01=1 1111 +0 2: RobboLito 0.21Q x64 3011 26.5 / 36 0=== XXX ==== 0==1 =11= 1=11 ==11 11=1 1111 1111 +11 3: DeepSaros eXp x64 2964 26.0 / 36 10== ==== XXX =0== ==== 1111 11=1 1111 1==1 1111 +25 4: PanChess 00.537 x64 2989 25.0 / 36 ==== 1==0 =1== XXX ===1 1=11 ===1 =1=1 1101 1111 +4 5: Chiron 2 x64 2900 19.5 / 36 0010 =00= ==== ===0 XXX 00=1 =1== 1011 1=1= 1111 -4 6: Spark 1.0 x64 2818 16.5 / 36 =00= 0=00 0000 0=00 11=0 XXX ==1= =101 =1=1 1111 +14 7: Hannibal1.4b x64 2843 14.5 / 36 =000 ==00 00=0 ===0 =0== ==0= XXX =0== ===1 1111 -22 8: Onno 1-2-2 x64 2771 12.5 / 36 0000 00=0 0000 =0=0 0100 =010 =1== XXX ===1 1=11...