
Showing posts from April, 2021

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Chess engine UCI: Zahak 2.0.0

  Zahak - UCI chess engine written in Go.  Author: Amanj Sherwany v.2.0.0 Getting rid of multi-cut Adding Aspiration Window Adding Late Move Pruning Tweaking pruning parameters Removing Extended Futility Pruning Adding Futility Pruning in Quiescence Search Fixes in UCI protocol Zahah 2.0.0 download

Slowchess 2.5 wins JCER - Arena Test Tournament, 2021.04.26-30

  Temp 3'+3" Lenovo Ideapad 330, i3-8130U, 12GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   182 games

Stockfish 250421_lonfom169 wins JCER - New Engines Tournament, 2021.04.27-29

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   182 games

Stockfish 13 wins JCER - New Engines Tournament, 2021.04.26-27

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Temp Tournament:   132 games

Chess engine: Clover

Clover - UCI chess engine Author: L uca Metehau Clover is a chess engine, written in C++, inspired by my favorite plant. Since the 2020 lockdown, I got bored and decided to combine the 2 things I love the most: chess and programing, into making a program that can beat me. Clover download

Chess engine: Igel 3.0.5 NNUE

Igel - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2932   (12 place)  Author : Volodymyr Shcherbyna (Fork of GreKo 2018.01) 3.0.5 news ------------- Train a new network using Igel 2.6.0 (HCE), Igel 2.9.0 (NNUE) and Igel 3.0.0 (NNUE) data: ign-1-d593efbd Better time management in sd time control Skip tt cutoff for null moves in search Skip null move prunning on tt hit Vote for best thread in SMP mode Less aggressive time use in non repeated tc Igel 3.0.5 - download

Gogobello 3.0 wins JCER - New Amateur Engines, 2021.04.25-26

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER League Tournament:   132 games

Fire 8.11 - new version best UCI chess engines!

Fire - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2950 author compilation - Norman Schmidt v.8.11 this is a feature-only release w/no change in playing strength UCI option SearchType random w/ uniform_real_distribution & mesenne twister engine NDEBUG asserts tested and tweaked void position::init() zobrist now gets random seed using std::chrono::system_clock Fire 8.11 download

Chess engine: Minimalchess 0.4 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

MinimalChess as an engine to an UCI compatible Chess GUI. Author: L ithander Version 0.4 Version 0.4 now uses tapered Piece-Square tables to evaluate positions. It took two weeks of tuning and testing until I finally managed to find values that could rival PeSTOs famous PSTs in strength. Version 0.4 also introduces a killer heuristic and staged move generation. A new time control logic is spending the allocated budget smarter, especially in modes where there's an increment each move. These changes provide a considerable boost in playing strength to approximately 1900 ELO without making the code any less simple and minimal: Version 0.4 has seen a lot of refactoring and even lost a few lines of (executable) code compared with Version 0.3. Minimal 0.4 download

Chess engine: Berserk 4.1.0

Berserk - UCI chess engine (  written in C). Author:  Jay Honnold  Rating JCER=2794 v.4.1.0. Candidate Passed Pawns Various NPS Improvements (22% increase!) Caching "special piece" bitboard Incremental material updates Pawn hash tables PEXT support Pawn threats QS modified to rely purely on SEE scoring Credit to Halogen's author for this idea Syzygy Tablebase support added Using Andrew Grant's Pyrrhic Berserk 4.1.0 download

Chess engine: Seer 2.0.0

Author: Connor McMonigle  This release adds around +120 elo in self play over v1.2.1. Limited testing indicates that slightly more elo can be expected against other opponents. Additionally, the reported NPS should be slightly increased relative to v1.2.1. The embedded network is trained entirely on data generated by Seer's search starting with a randomly initialized network. The network is no longer directly or indirectly trained on Stockfish derived training data. The training technique employed is a variant of semisupervised learning and involves starting with a large number of <=6 man positions labeled using Syzygy EGTBs. Seer 2.0.0 download

JCER - Banksia Tournament, 2021.04.26

P Engine JCER Score Lc Ig Ha Chg +/-/= 1: Lc0 0.27.0 2900 2.5 / 4 XX =0 11 +4 (+2 -1 =1) 2: Igel 3.0.0 2932 2.0 / 4 =1 XX =0 -4 (+1 -1 =2) 3: Halogen 10 2823 1.5 / 4 00 =1 XX +0 (+1 -2 =1) GUI - Banksia, Games download ,   HP Pavilion, i5-1035G1, 8GB RAM

Chess engine: Stockfish 21042513-lonfom169

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by Lonfom169 Rating JCER=3157 Timestamp: 1619349982 More extensions if SE search is very low. More extensions for non-PV nodes if value from singular extension search is significantly below singularBeta. Passed STC: LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 25064 W: 2334 L: 2162 D: 20568 Elo +2.38 Ptnml(0-2): 82, 1720, 8768, 1868, 94 Passed LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> Total: 67136 W: 2644 L: 2450 D: 62042 Elo +1.00 Ptnml(0-2): 46, 2134, 28990, 2376, 22 Bench: 4075325 Stockfish 21042513-lonfom169 and NNUE download  

Chess Graphical User Interface: Banksia 0.41 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

BanksiaGUI is a freeware chess Graphical User Interface. Changes v 0.41: Fixed bugs: Lichess bot: challenging function did not work well, app may be frozen if it is showing some very fast games Database: incorrectly sort (by names, events) Some small improvements/adjustments New features:    Clocks: new mode to display clocks above and under the board Elo offset can be anchored to a player Rated: auto assign Elo from a tournament result to engines Quick open a game from a tournament (from the pop-up menu) Remember the active tab of the tournament result panel New special functions for GPU engines, a user: 1) can mark engines as GPUs 2) can set up serially CPU cores for GPU engines which may be different from ones for none-GPU ones 3) get clever tournament concurrency: it auto arranges to make sure no more than one GPU game can be played at a moment but still maximize concurrency Lichess bot: detect the online status of players in the challenge list, shuffle that list b...

Chess engine: Clover 2.1.2

Clover - UCI chess engine Author: L uca Metehau Clover is a chess engine, written in C++, inspired by my favorite plant. Since the 2020 lockdown, I got bored and decided to combine the 2 things I love the most: chess and programing, into making a program that can beat me. Clover 2.1.2 download

Chess engine: OliThink 5.9.3 (Windows, Linux and Mac)

OliThink is an open-source WB engine by Oliver Brausch MSYS2/MinGW static builds by T. Poppins Rating JCER=2722 v.5.9.3 Complete rewrite of OliThink with a very fast move generator (based on OliPerft). Engine runs without any chess information. No pawnstructure, no tables etc. OliThink 5.9.3 - download

Fisherov 0.97 wins JCER - New Engines Tournament, 2021.04.24-25

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i5-1035G1 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   156 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 21042513

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by Stefan Geschwentner Rating JCER=3157 Timestamp: 1619349717 Thread based reduction tweak. For PV nodes at the first two plies no reductions are done for each fourth thread. STC (8 threads): LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 53992 W: 3334 L: 3167 D: 47491 Elo +1.07 Ptnml(0-2): 64, 2713, 21285, 2860, 74 LTC (8 threads): LLR: 2.93 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> Total: 64888 W: 1888 L: 1725 D: 61275 Elo +0.87 Ptnml(0-2): 14, 1556, 29146, 1709, 19 No functional change (for one thread) Stockfish 21042513 and NNUE download  

Chess engine: Pedone 3.1 NNUE

Pedone - UCI chess engine, Author - Fabio Gobbato,  Rating JCER=2936 Pedone is an UCI chess engine written in C. It has been developed with particular care in code and data structure optimizations. Pedone 3.1 NNUE download

Eman 6.95 and Cfish 110421 wins JCER - New Engines Tournament, 2021.04.22-24

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   240 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 21042412

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by Bmc4 Rating JCER=3157 Timestamp: 1619261733 Merge all move generators Merging `generate<EVASIONS>` and `generate<QUIET_CHECKS>` into `generate_all()`. verified to yield correct perft results, even though bench changes due to different order of generated moves. No regresion playing games: passed STC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,0.20} Total: 161800 W: 14585 L: 14624 D: 132591 Elo -0.08 Ptnml(0-2): 577, 11681, 56451, 11586, 605 passed LTC: LLR: 2.98 (-2.94,2.94) {-0.70,0.20} Total: 188504 W: 6906 L: 6961 D: 174637 Elo -0.10 Ptnml(0-2): 87, 6272, 81610, 6175, 108 Bench: 4536129 Stockfish 21042412 and NNUE download  

Chess engine for Android: Tucano 9.09

Tucano - winboard/UCI chess engines,  Author - Alcides Schulz Rating JCER=2325 Tucano 9.09 for Android download

Stockfish 13 wins 1 League JCER edition 46, 2021.04.18-22

šŸ„‡Stockfish 13, šŸ„ˆSugaR AI 2.00, šŸ„‰Fisherov 0.97. Relegation to 2 League: Nemorino 6.00 Patch 1, Booot 6.5, Pedone 3.0 .  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 94 .482 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER League Tournament:   480 games League ā€“ TOP 64 1 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score 1. Stockfish 13 3109 47.5 / 60 2. SugaR Al 2.00 3129 46.0 / 60 3. Fisherov 0.97 3159 46.0 / 60 4. Raubfisch X44f1 3112 43.5 / 60 5. Dragon 1.0 3083 43.5 / 60 6. Ethereal 12.75 NNUE 3092 41.5 / 60 7. RubiChess 2.1 3024 34.5 / 60 8. Fire 8.1 2960 25.0 / 60 9. Xiphos 0.6.1 2923 22.0 / 60 10. Igel 3.0.0 2939 ...