
Showing posts from August, 2021

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Chess engine: Mayhem 5.7 and NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Mayhem - UCI chess engine , Author:  Toni Helminen Rating JCER=3070 v.5.7 Mayhem won't trap its own bishop in FRC anymore FRC fixes (+100 Elo in FRC) Standard +20 Elo Speedups Some simplifications bench / hash commands supported. Run "hash" to check your binary. Mayhem 5.7 download

Chess engine: Madness Carls-son v1

Madness Carls-son - c hess engine compile with  `gcc main.c -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image` Author: abhigyan7  Chess pieces courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.  Madness Carls-son v1 download

Chess engine: Fat Titz 310821

Fat Titz   This is a FREE UCI-compatibile chess engine. It is a fork of cfish. Author: Thanks to Norman Schidt and Albert Sliver for inspiration on creating my own fork of Stockfish. Also big thanks to Robert Houdart for great optimization ideas, overall making the engine almost 20% faster! This engine uses a HalfKAv2-2048x2-64-64-1 evaluation network, which contains whopping 4 times the knowledge of Stockfish 14. It was trained partially on Lc0 data, which gives it a unique positional style, while still preserving the tactical sharpness of Stockfish. The network was trained using a modification of the state-of-the-art NNUE trainer, utilizing publicly available datasets 1, 2, 3 Fat Titz  310821 download Homepage

Chess engine: Raubfisch X47a and GTZ26a NNUE

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler).  Rating JCER - 3524  (2st place) *********************************************************************************************** Warning : The network is not embedded, you must add the NNUE network with the engine in the same file. Otherwise, the engine will not work! *********************************************************************************************** Raubfisch X47a and GTZ26a NNUE - download

Chess engine: Stockfish 21083112 (Windows and Linux)

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by SFisGOD Rating JCER=3528 Timestamp: 1630407379 Update default net to nn-735bba95dec0.nnue SPSA 1: Parameters: A total of 256 net biases were tuned (hidden layer 2) Base net: nn-33495fe25081.nnue New net: nn-83e3cf2af92b.nnue SPSA 2: Parameters: A total of 64 net biases were tuned (hidden layer 1) Base net: nn-83e3cf2af92b.nnue New net: nn-69a528eaef35.nnue SPSA 3: Parameters: 256 net weights and 8 net biases (output layer) Base net: nn-69a528eaef35.nnue New net: nn-735bba95dec0.nnue STC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 95144 W: 24310 L: 23999 D: 46835 Elo +1.14 Ptnml(0-2): 232, 11059, 24748, 11232, 301 LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> To...

Cfish 290721 wins JCER - Strong Engines Tournament, 2021.08.27 - 2021.08.29

  Temp 3'+3" HP ENVY i-5  i5-8250U, 8GB RAM GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   180games

Chess engine: Topple 0.8.1

Topple - UCI chess engine.  Author- Vincent Tang, Rating JCER=2919 v. 0.8.1: General Lots of code cleanup and refactoring to improve maintainability New material hashing scheme Replaced custom Syzygy probing code with the Fathom library New binaries compiled with LLVM/Clang (much smaller now). Search Optimised move generation of pawns Adjusted hash table replacement criteria to favour PV nodes Strength gains should be in the 5-10 elo range based on self play testing. Topple 0.8.1 - download

Chess engine: Minimalchess 0.6 (Windows, Mac, Android and Linux)

MinimalChess as an engine to an UCI compatible Chess GUI. Author: L ithander Rating JCER=2764 Version 0.6 Version 0.6 uses an improved transposition table with two buckets and aging. It also adds late move reductions and deep futility pruning. Quiet moves are now sorted based on a simple history heuristic which has a nice synergy with LMR. The PST based evaluation is updated incrementally. In total these changes allow MinimalChess to search much deeper (at the cost of accuracy) so that it gains about 200 ELO in playing strength over the previous version. The removal of the triangular PV table and other simplifications mean that the size of the codebase is about equal to the previous version. This makes this version not only the strongest but also the one with best strength/LOC ratio. Minimal 0.6 download

Chess engine: KnightX 2.9 (Windows and Linux)

KnightX - UCI chess engine Author- Christophe Jolly  Rating JCER=2999 KnightX 2.9 - download

Chess engine: Ceibo 0.8

Ceibo - UCI chess engine,  Author - Federico Rojo Rating JCER=3013 v.0.8: Changes: Move Ordering Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE): applied to captures only for now. Other minor changes Search  Qsearch:  SEE Pruning Internal Iterative Reductions Fixed Futility Pruning issue Transposition Tables Fixed Major move ordering issue Fixed Minor en passant issue 4 buckets per entry Evaluation: semi and open file rook isolated pawn enhancements to mobility Ceibo 0.8 download

Chess engine: CT800 1.43

CT800 - UCI chess engine,  Homepage Rating JCER=2905    Author: Rasmus Althoff CT800 1.43 - download

Slowchess 2.7 wins New engines - Acer Arena Tournament (for older hardware), 2021.08.27 - 2021.08.29

  Temp 3'+3" Acer, i3-3217U with 3,9 GB Memory GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   182 games

Chess engine: Jackychess 0.9.12 (written in Java)

Jacky Chess - a  simple UCI chess engine written in Java. Author: Matthias Lang This project is mainly a self educational project to learn the various algorithms around chess computers. Inspiration was mainly given by the great chess programming wiki where you can get a good overview about all used algorithms.  Requirements Java 8 to compile the engine.  The chess engine should work under any UCI chess client. It was mainly tested with Arena. Jackychess 0.9.12 download

Chess engine: Anka 0.5.5

Anka is an artificial intelligence system capable of playing chess. You can use it to play chess against the computer or to analyze your games. Author Mehmet Eren YeÅŸilyurt Requirements Anka is a command-line only tool. You need to have a UCI compatible chess GUI program to use it comfortably. Some free options are: Arena,  Scid vs. PC,  Tarrasch. You also need a relatively modern 64-bit CPU that supports instructions like Popcnt. Features Alpha-beta pruning with principal variation search Null move pruning Transposition table Heuristic evaluation function with material and mobility bonuses, piece square tables, isolated pawn and passed pawn evaluation etc. Evaluation parameters tuned with Texel tuning Anka 0.5.5 download

Chess engine: Lc0 0.28.0 (Windows and Android)

new: Multigather is now made the default (and also improved). Some search settings have changed meaning, so if you have modified values please discard them. Specifically, max-collision-events, max-collision-visits and max-out-of-order-evals-factor have changed default values, but other options also affect the search. Similarly, check that your GUI is not caching the old values. Updated several other default parameter values, including the MLH ones. Performance improvements for the cuda/cudnn backends. This includes the multi_stream cuda backend option that is off by default. You should test adding multi_stream=true to backend-opts (command line) or BackendOptions (UCI) if you have a recent GPU with a lot of VRAM. Support for policy focus during training. Larger/stronger 15b default net for all packages except android, blas and dnnl that get a new 10b network. The distributed binaries come with the mimalloc memory allocator for better performance when a large tree has to be destroyed ...

Chess engine: TomitankChess 5.1

TomitankChess  - JavaScript Chess Engine (UCI) Author - Tamás Kuzmics Rating JCER=2982 TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well. - Example for Arena GUI with node.js   + Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)   + Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js) This is quite different from the SF solution. network is only 768x16x1. Smaller than I've seen before. it does not replace evaluation, it only compensates that.  trained only with 2.7M example. The network is not compatible with other engines (*) and it's integrated into the code. (hardcoded) I wrote the network from scratch. I don't use machine learning platform. I have around 10 elo better net (768x32x1) in fix depth test, but JavaScript is too slow, and don’t have AVX or similar methode in JavaScript (so i use vanilla approach). Essentially the smaller net has nearly the...

Chess engine: Raven 1.20 (Windows and Linux)

Raven is a chess engine written in C that uses the UCI protocol. Rating JCER=2705 ,   Author: Steve Griffin New Features Search: Don't use TT hits at low plies, allow mate scores in TT entries. Don't use TT hits in PV nodes. Fix bug with setting TT entry flags. Sort root moves by nodes searched under that move in previous iterations. Increase history margin threshold for PV moves. Don't futility prune when beta is close to mate score. Sort countermove above history moves. Return -MATE_SCORE + ply instead of just -MATE_SCORE for better mate detection. Removed some modifications to LMR. Eval: Removed bonus for queens on 7th rank. Change unsafe squares multiplier from 2 to 1.5 in mobility. Removed bonus for pieces on opponent's home row in mobility. Time management: No longer break early from a search based on time remaining. I have also fixed a rare disconnection bug. Raven 1.20 download

Chess engine: Zevra 2.2 build 317

Zevra - UCI chess engine,  Rating JCER=2841 Author - Oleg Smirnov         Zevra 2.2 build 317 - download

Lc0 0.28.0-rc2 wins JCER - New vs. Older Engines Tournament, 2021.08.28 - 2021.08.29

New engines: Lc0 0.28.0-rc2 (2021),  DanaSah 9.0 ( 2021),  Bagatur 2.2e ( 2021),  Mayhem 5.4 ( 2021),  OliThink 5.10.1 ( 2021). Older engines:  Critter 1.6a ( 2012),  Fritz 16 ( 2017),  Houdini 1.5a ( 2011),  Equinox 3.30 ( 2014). Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   90 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 2021-08-27 Ivec

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by Ivec Rating JCER=3528 Stockfish 2021-08-27 Ivec NNUE download

Chess engine: CorChess 2021-08-27 and NNUE

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Rating JCER=3492 CorChess 2021-08-27 NNUE - download

Chess engine: Raubfisch X47 and GTZ26 NNUE

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler).  Rating JCER - 3524  (2st place) *********************************************************************************************** Warning : The network is not embedded, you must add the NNUE network with the engine in the same file. Otherwise, the engine will not work! *********************************************************************************************** Raubfisch X47 and GTZ26 NNUE - download

Fisherov 0.98d wins JCER - Fritz New Engines Tournament, 2021.08.27 - 2021.08.28

  Temp 3'+3" HP Pavilion, i5-1035G1, 8GB RAM GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   90 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 21082721 (Windows and Linux)

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by VoyagerOne Rating JCER=3528 Timestamp: 1630093292 CMH Pruning Tweak Tweak pruning formula by adding up CMH values. STC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 14608 W: 3837 L: 3641 D: 7130 Elo +4.66 Ptnml(0-2): 27, 1681, 3723, 1815, 58 LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> Total: 53520 W: 13580 L: 13276 D: 26664 Elo +1.97 Ptnml(0-2): 28, 5610, 15183, 5908, 31 closes Bench: 5186641 Stockfish 21082721 NNUE download Stockfish  21082721   for Linux  

JCER - Android Chess Engines Tournament, 2021.08.25

  Temp: 3'  12 games download , GUI - Chess Tournament, Tablet - Smasung Galaxy TAB S6 Lite, 4GB RAM, all 8.855 games P Engine JCER Score Cr Fi Se Mi Chg +/-/= 1-2 Crystal 030821 3010 5.0 / 6 XX == 11 11 +3 (+4 -0 =2) 1-2 Fisherov 0.98b4 3055 5.0 / 6 == XX 11 11 +1 (+4 -0 =2) 3. Seer 2.2.0 2400 2.0 / 6 00 00 XX 11 +13 (+2 -4 =0) 4. Minic 3.13 2669 0.0 / 6 00 00 00 XX -19 (+0 -6 =0)

Minic 3.13 wins JCER - Arena New Engines Tournament, 2021.08.24 - 2021.08.25

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER League Tournament:   110games

Chess engine: Stockfish 21082707 (Windows and Linux)

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by SFisGOD Rating JCER=3528 Timestamp: 1630043486 Update default net to nn-33495fe25081.nnue STC: LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 37368 W: 9621 L: 9391 D: 18356 Elo +2.14 Ptnml(0-2): 117, 4287, 9664, 4481, 135 LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> Total: 13328 W: 3446 L: 3246 D: 6636 Elo +5.21 Ptnml(0-2): 11, 1383, 3682, 1571, 17 Closes Bench: 5179347 Stockfish 21082707 NNUE download Stockfish  21082707   for Linux  

Chess engine: Fat Titz 1.0

Fat Titz 1.0 released This is a FREE UCI-compatibile chess engine. It is a fork of cfish. Author: Thanks to Norman Schidt and Albert Sliver for inspiration on creating my own fork of Stockfish. Also big thanks to Robert Houdart for great optimization ideas, overall making the engine almost 20% faster! This engine uses a HalfKAv2-2048x2-64-64-1 evaluation network, which contains whopping 4 times the knowledge of Stockfish 14. It was trained partially on Lc0 data, which gives it a unique positional style, while still preserving the tactical sharpness of Stockfish. The network was trained using a modification of the state-of-the-art NNUE trainer, utilizing publicly available datasets 1, 2, 3 Fat Titz  1.0 download Homepage

CrazyAra & ClassicAra 0.9.5

MultiAra This is the first release which features MultiAra, a version of Ara which supports all chess variants available on antichess atomic chess960 crazyhouse king-of-the-hill horde racing kings three-check The neural network models have been initialised by game data from August 2013 until July 2020. All variant (except chess960) have been improved using reinforcement learning. Details can be found in the master thesis by Maximilian Alexander Gehrke which among others covers an ablation study between training from zero knowledge and supervised initialisation, as well as a preliminary strength comparison against Fairy-Stockfish. ClassicAra The model for ClassicAra uses a new input representation and a new WDLP value output head. The old model and input representation for chess is still supported as the input representation version is now inferred by the model name. CrazyAra&ClassicAra 0.9.5 - more and download

Chess engine: SlowChess 2.7 (Windows and Linux)

SlowChess - winboard/UCI chess engine Author - Jonathan Kreuzer  Rating JCER=3329 (12 place) slow64-avx.exe - Use this if possible. For newer CPUS with AVX2 instruction set.  slow64-sse.exe - For older CPUS. Slower but otherwise the same. Also doesn't use hardware popcount since it doesn't matter with the neural net evals.  Slow Chess 2.7 download

Chess engine: Stockfish 21082209_SFisGOD (Windows and Linux)

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by SFisGOD Rating JCER=3528 Timestamp: 1629616198 Update default net to nn-517c4f68b5df.nnue SPSA: Parameters: 256 net weights and 8 net biases (output layer) Base net: nn-ac5605a608d6.nnue New net: nn-517c4f68b5df.nnue STC: LLR: 2.93 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 11600 W: 998 L: 851 D: 9751 Elo +4.40 Ptnml(0-2): 30, 705, 4186, 846, 33 LTC: LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.50> Total: 9360 W: 338 L: 243 D: 8779 Elo +3.53 Ptnml(0-2): 0, 220, 4151, 303, 6 closes Bench: 4844618 Stockfish 21082209_SFisGOD NNUE download Stockfish  21082209_   SFisGOD  for Linux  

JCER. Match Lc0 0.28.0-rc2 vs Lc0 0.27.0, 2021.08.24 - 2021.08.25

  Temp 3'+3" HP Pavilion, i5-1035G1, 8GB RAM GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   32 games

JCER - Fisherov 0.98b4 Test for Android, 2021.08.24

  Temp: 3'  6 games download , GUI - Chess Tournament, Tablet - Smasung Galaxy TAB S6 Lite, 4GB RAM, all 8.855 games P Engine JCER Score Fi Cr Mi Se Chg +/-/= 1: Fisherov 0.98b4 3055 5.0 / 6 XX == 11 11 +1 (+4 -0 =2) 2: Crystal 030821 3010 1.0 / 2 == XX .. .. +1 (+0 -0 =2) 3: Minic 3.13 2669 0.0 / 2 00 .. XX .. -2 (+0 -2 =0) 4: Seer 2.2.0 2400 0.0 / 2 00 .. .. XX -2 (+0 -2 =0)

Bagatur Chess Engine with own GUI (graphical user interface) for Android

Description This is the Bagatur Chess Engine with own GUI (graphical user interface). It is not as strong as Stockfish and Komodo, but is strong enough to beat a grandmaster. It has 16 strength levels. From level 5, it shows the search information.  The ELO rating is about 2700 and the program has unique playing style. Just to clarify, it is not OEX chess engine and other chess engines cannot be imported into the GUI. In general, the application demonstrates an application of artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of chess. more

Chess engine: Princhess 0.2.1

Princhess -  UCI compatible chess engine written in Rust. by: Princess Lana & Jacob Jackson Princhess 0.2.1 download

Match Fisherov 0.98d - Stockfish 14, 2021.08.23 - 2021.08.24

  Temp 3'+3" HP Pavilion, i5-1035G1, 8GB RAM GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table: Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   32 games

Raubfisch X46e wins JCER - Fritz New Engines Tournament, 2021.08.22

Temp 3'+3" HP Pavilion, i5-1035G1, 8GB RAM GUI Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.08.2021 Table:  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   144 games