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This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Stockfish 2.0 wins Playoff-CEDR, 2011.01.02

FabChess 1.16 wins CEDR - Amateur League group E1 ed02, 2021.11.22 - 29

Chess engine: Chai 2.6.6

Chess engine: MrBob 1.1.0

Chess engine: BLANK 1.3.0 (java)

Chess engine: Foxsee 7.32

Chess engine: Lynx 0.9 (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Chess engine: Stockfish 21112912 NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Stockfish 14.1 wins Banksia - CEDR Tournament 08-29.11.2021

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: DeepSaros 2.3e1 wins Playoff CEDR, 2011.01.02

Top 7 Best Chess Engines in the World in 2021 - results after 26 games

Chess engine: Raubfisch X47e1 and GTZ26e1 NNUE

Stockfish 231121 wins CEDR - New Engines Tournament, 2021.11.25 - 27

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Greko 8.0 wins Eliminations CEDR, 2011.01.16

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Deepsjeng ct2010 wins Exam - Chess Engines Diary, 2011.01.15-16

Chess engine: Eubos 2.3

Chess engine: Odonata 0.5.1 (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Mayhem 6.3 and NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Stockfish 21112814 NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Top 7 Best Chess Engines in the World in 2021 - results after 12 games

SugaR AI 2.50 wins CEDR - Acer New Engines Tournament (for older hardware), 2021.11.24 - 27

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Lime 66 wins Amateur Engines Tournament, 16.01.2011

Raubfisch X47a wins CEDR - Android Chess Engines Tournament, 26-27.11.2021

Chess engine: Stockfish 21112714 NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Revenge (commercial successor of Pedone 3.1)

Fisherov 0.98h wins CEDR - Fritz 17 Tournament, 2021.11.22-25

Chess engine: Protej 0.6

Chess engine: Raubfisch X47e and GTZ26e NNUE

Top 7 Best Chess Engines in the World in 2021 - tournament started today!

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Bison 9.11 wins 5 League Chess Engines Diary, 13-14.01.2011

Rating CEDR (Chess Engines Diary Rating) - 27.11.2021

Chess engines: Swordfish 14.5

Chess Engine: Blue Marlin 14.5 NNUE

Chess engine: ShashChess 20.1 (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: BrainLearn 15.1 and NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Odonata 0.5.0 (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Coiled NNUE 1.2 (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Stockfish 21112519 NNUE (Windows and Linux)

Spider 1.1c wins CEDR - Android Chess Engines Tournament, 25-26.11.2021

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Bison 9.11 wins 3 League Chess Engines Diary, 30-31.01.2011

CrazyAra & ClassicAra 0.9.0 post0

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: RobboLito 0.9 wins League qualifiers 2011.01.15

Chess engine: Koivisto 7.9 (Ipman compiles)

Chess engines: Swordfish PB 14.4

Chess engine UCI: Zahak 9.0 (Windows, Linux and Mac)

Chess engine: Walleye 1.5.2