
Showing posts from September, 2014

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Equinox 3.2 free!

Equinox - UCI chess engine Author - Giancarlo Delli Colli Equinox 3.2 free - download

Naum 4.6 - free!

Naum - UCI chess engine Author - Alex Naumow Naum 4.6 (free) - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

DeepJunior Yokohama wins 2 League Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Season 8/2014

JCER 2 League, season 8/2014, 2014.09.26 - 2014.09.30 Player JCER Score De De Sp Fr To EX Ga Ry Mi Ar Bo To De Ne Di Cr Chg 1: Deep Junior Yokohama x64 2786 21.0 / 30 X =1 01 =1 0= 1= =0 01 1= 11 11 0= 11 1= 11 11 +45 2: DeepHiarcs14WCSC 2906 19.5 / 30 =0 X 01 1= =1 11 11 10 =0 00 == =1 1= 11 11 1= -21 3: Spark 1.0 x64 2801 17.5 / 30 10 10 X 01 =0 0= 0= =1 =0 11 10 =1 10 11 =1 11 +3 4: Fruit reloaded 2717 17.5 / 30 =0 0= 10 X 0= 10 11 0= == =1 =1 01 1= =1 11 =1 +42 5: Toga II 280513 x64 2736 17.0 / 30 1= =0 =1 1= X =0 00 01 11 11 10 =1 10 =1 10 =0 +30 6: EXchess 7.31b x64 2708 17.0 / 30 0= 00 1= 01 =1 X 1= 1= 11 10 =0 11 == 10 10 == +45 7: Gaviota 1.0 x64 2689 16.5 / 30 =1 00 1= 00 11 0= X == == 00 =1 10 =1 01 11 11 +45 8: Rybka 2.3.2a 64 ...

Amaterasu r22 - winboard chess engine

Amaterasu - winboard chess engine Author - Bogdan Mihail Claudin All engines downloadable on the site We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Animats r.23 winboard chess engine

Animats - winboard chess engine Author - Stuart Allen All engines downloadable on the site

Alf 1.09 - winboard chess engine

Alf - winboard chess engine Author - Casper W. Berg   All download from the site We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Alarm 0.93.1, winboard chess engine - new logo

Alarm - winboard chess engine Authors: Benny Antonsson and Erik Robertsson (Sweden) Alarm 0.93.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Celes, UCI chess engines - new logo

  Celes - UCI chess engines Author - Johan Hutting Celes 0.77c - downloadable on the site All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Pulse 1.5.0 - winboard chess engine. New version 28.09.2014

Pulse - winboard chess engine Author -  Phokham Nonava  Pulse 1.5.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Berochess, UCI chess engine - new logo

Berochess - UCI chess engine Author - Benjamin Rosseaux     Berochess downloadable on the site

Eden, UCI chess engine - new logo

Eden - UCI chess engine Author - Nicolai Czempin Eden 0.0.13 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Gunborg, UCI chess engine - new logo

Gunborg  UCI chess engine Author -  Torbjörn Nilsson Gunborg 1.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 14092722 - new development version strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Author compilation - Uri Blass   Stockfish 14092722 download

TCEC Season 7 - live 27.09.2014

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB Gu Ci Ha St Ch Cr Pr Sp Ga Tg To Ar Oc Al 1 Gull 3 3033 5.0 6 15.00 ·· 1 1 = 1 1 = 2 Chiron 2 2955 4.5 6 10.25 0 ·· 1 1 1 = 1 3 Hannibal 1.5x5 2924 4.5 6 8.50 ·· = = 1 1 = 1 4 Stockfish 160914 3168 4.0 6 7.25 0 ·· = = 1 1 1 5 Cheng4 0.36c+ 2779 4.0 6 7.25 = ·· 0 = 1 1 1 6 Critter 1.6a 3030 3.5 6 9.50 = 0 = ·· = 1 1 7 Protector 1.7 2914 3.0 6 9.75 0 = 1 = ·· = = 8 Spike 1.4 2876 3.0 5 8.00 = = ·· = 1 = 9 Gaviota 1 2691 2.0 6 4.00 0 0 0 0 ·· 1 1 10 Toga II 010214 2699 2.0 6 4.00 0 = = 0 ·· = = 11 Tornado 5 2778 2.0 6 3.00 0 = 0 0 ·· 1 = 12 Arasan 17.3 2525 1.5 6 6.25 =...

Elektro 1.0a (Igorrit derivate) UCI chess engine. New version 27.09.2014

Elektro  - UCI chess engines Author - Otto Schmidt.       Elektro 1.0a download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Critter wins 1 League Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Season 8/2014

JCER 1 League, season 8/2014, 2014.09.24 - 2014.09.26 P Engines JCER Score Cr Eq De Pa Iv Pr Bl Fi Ha Se De Ch Ar Sp Te Za Chg 1: Critter 1.6a x64 3046 23.0 / 30 X == =1 == 1= == == 11 =1 =1 11 11 11 1= 11 1= +12 2: Equinox 2.02 x64 2983 22.0 / 30 == X =0 == 11 1= 1= == =1 1= 1= 11 11 11 1= 1= +27 3: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 2985 21.0 / 30 =0 =1 X =0 =1 =1 =0 1= 1= 11 == =1 =1 11 11 11 +18 4: PanChess 00.611 x64 3012 20.0 / 30 == == =1 X 0= =0 =1 == =1 1= == 1= 1= 11 11 11 -3 5: IvanHoe 46h x64 3013 18.0 / 30 0= 00 =0 1= X == == =1 10 =1 =1 == =1 1= 11 11 -24 6: Protector 1.7 x64 2871 16.5 / 30 == 0= =0 =1 == X == == 10 =0 1= 01 01 1= 1= 11 +24 7: BlackMamba 2.0 x64 2929 16.5 / 30 == 0= =1 =0 == == X == =0 00 01 11 1= 11 =1 1= -3 8: Firenzina 2.4.2 xTreme 2985 ...

Sugar - new chess engine (clone Stockfish)

Sugar - UCI chess engine (clone Stockfish) Author - Marco Zerbinati Sugar download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 14092521 - new development version strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish - chess engines UCI  Author compilation - Joona Kiiski    Stockfish 14092521 download

Elektro 1.0 (Igorrit derivate) - new chess engine

Elektro - UCI chess engines Author - Otto Schmidt.       All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Elektro 1.0 download

Stockfish wins Super League JCER - Season 8/2014

JCER Super League season 8/2014, 2014.09.22 - 2014.09.24 P Engines JCER Score St He Ho Bo Gu Am Ko St DO Ko Ho Co Ma Fi De Ro Chg 1: Stockfish 14091916 x64 3227 21.0 / 30 X == 1= == =1 == =1 == == =1 == 1= =1 11 11 11 -12 2: Heron impossible 280814 3100 20.0 / 30 == X =1 1= == == =0 == 11 =1 1= 1= 11 =1 11 0= +30 3: Houdini 4 x64A 3143 18.5 / 30 0= =0 X 1= == == 11 =1 == =1 01 == =1 =1 1= =1 -3 4: Bouquet 1.7 x64 2998 17.5 / 30 == 0= 0= X =1 == 0= 01 1= 10 =1 11 =1 01 == 11 +51 5: Gull 3 x64 3090 17.5 / 30 =0 == == =0 X =0 1= =0 == 1= 01 =1 1= 11 11 =1 +6 6: Amitis 2013-09-12 3000 16.5 / 30 == == == == =1 X 00 =1 1= == =1 == =1 =0 1= == +42 7: Komodo 8 x64 3158 16.5 / 30 =0 =1 00 1= 0= 11 X =0 == =1 == =1 == =1 =1 == -30...

Fizbo 1.2 winboard chess engine

Fizbo  - winboard chess engine Author -  Youri Matiounine Fizbo 1.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Mars 3.3 - (strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 22.09.2014

Mars  - UCI chess engines    Older version    JCER  : Mars 2,1 = 3062, 3014 Mars Mars 2,8 = 1,5 = 3035, Mars 1,7 = 3018, Mars 2,0 = 3015, Mars 1,1 = 2981 ,  Mars 1,8 = 3024, Mars 3,1 = 3022,  Mars 1,6 = 2886,   Mars 3.3 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rhetoric 1.4.1 - UCI chess engine. New version 22.09.2014

Rhetoric  - UCI chess engines Author - Alberto Sanjuan Rating JCER older versions - Rhetoric 1.2=2556, Rhetoric 1.1=2445, Rhetoric 1.0=2404 Rhetoric 1.4.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Sjakk 2.2 UCI chess engine. New version 22.09.2014 - and first test JCER

Sjakk  - UCI chess engine Author -  Jacob Børs Lind JCER ratings older version: Sjakk 2.0 = 2305, Sjaak 2.1 download JCER - First Test Sjakk 2.2, CHESSENGINES, 2014.09.21 - 2014.09.22 Engines JCER Score Sjakk 2.2 Chg +/-/= 1: Sjakk 2.2 x64 2400 62.0 / 100 XXXXXXXX +150 (+51 -27 =22) 2: Arasan 17.3 x64 2740 9.0 / 10 1111111=1= +1 (+8 -0 =2) 3: Gaviota 1.0 x64 2689 8.5 / 10 11=11=11=1 +0 (+7 -0 =3) 4: Pedone 0.5 x64 2277 8.0 / 10 1=1111110= +47 (+7 -1 =2) 5: Gojemat 6.6.1.b01 2559 4.5 / 10 1=01=001=0 -27 (+3 -4 =3) 6: Cheese 1.61 x64 2499 3.5 / 10 =0=0==0=== -29 (+0 -3 =7) 7: Gibbon 2.60a x64 2352 2.0 / 10 0000000101 -23 (+2 -8 =0) 8: NGplay 9.86 x64 2469 1.0 / 10 =000000=00 -50 (+0 -8 =2) 9: K2 0.63 2355 1.0 / 10 000000==00 -33 (+0 ...