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Equinox 3.2 free!

Naum 4.6 - free!

DeepJunior Yokohama wins 2 League Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Season 8/2014

Amaterasu r22 - winboard chess engine

Animats r.23 winboard chess engine

Alf 1.09 - winboard chess engine

Alarm 0.93.1, winboard chess engine - new logo

Celes, UCI chess engines - new logo

Pulse 1.5.0 - winboard chess engine. New version 28.09.2014

Berochess, UCI chess engine - new logo

Eden, UCI chess engine - new logo

Gunborg, UCI chess engine - new logo

Stockfish 14092722 - new development version strong chess engine UCI

TCEC Season 7 - live 27.09.2014

Elektro 1.0a (Igorrit derivate) UCI chess engine. New version 27.09.2014

Critter wins 1 League Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Season 8/2014

Sugar - new chess engine (clone Stockfish)

Stockfish 14092521 - new development version strong chess engine UCI

Elektro 1.0 (Igorrit derivate) - new chess engine

Stockfish wins Super League JCER - Season 8/2014

Fizbo 1.2 winboard chess engine

Mars 3.3 - (strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 22.09.2014

Rhetoric 1.4.1 - UCI chess engine. New version 22.09.2014

Sjakk 2.2 UCI chess engine. New version 22.09.2014 - and first test JCER