
Showing posts from October, 2022

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Smallbrain 6.0 wins League CEDR Prelims Group E3 edition 07 (Chess Engines Diary, 2022.10.27-31)

🥇   Smallbrain 6.0  🥈  Vafra 3.3.2  🥉  Alexandria 3.0 Promote to 4 League:  Smallbrain 6.0 ,  Vafra 3.3.2 .   🕒🕓 3'+3" 💻  HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM    🖬 GUI-Fritz 17 💾 All games CEDR  26.266 games  (15'+10")  and  54.925 games  (3'+3")   💾   561 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary

Chess engine for Android: Fire-zero 10072022

Fire - UCI chess engine, Rating CEDR=??? (no tests) Thanks to the Author - Norman Schmidt  v. Fire-zero 1007 2022 fire-zero 10262022-094307 This is the 10th release of includes embedded nnue net 10262022-094307 ~3350 Elo Fire-zero 10072022 for Android download

ShashChess 25.2 wins Arena CEDR Tournament (Chess Engines Diary, 2022.10.29-31)

🕒🕓 3'+3" 💻  Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM    🖬 GUI-Arena   💾 All games CEDR  26.266 games  (15'+10")  and  54.925 games  (3'+3")   💾   156 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary P Engine CEDR Score Sh Co Bl Ko Br Be Ko Se Ca Fi Pr Qu Ca Chg 1: ShashChess 25.2 3564 17.5 / 24 XX == == == == =1 1= == 1= 11 11 11 11 -2 2: Corchess 24-10-2022 3551 17.5 / 24 == XX == == == == =1 1= 11 =1 11 11 11 +0 3: Blue Marlin 15.4 3540 17.0 / 24 == == XX == == == =1 =1 =1 =1 11 11 11 -2 4: Kookaburra 1.01 3500 17.0 / 24 == == == XX == == == 11 1= =1 11 11 11 +5 5: BrainLearn19.1 3533 16...

New rating chess engines for Mac - CEDR 31.10.2022 (Time 3'+3")

  Rating chess engines for Mac - CEDR 31.10.2022 (Time 3'+3") All games (1.535) download Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR for Mac – 31.10.2022 generated with Ordo 0.9.9 (anchor Critter 1.6a with 3050) Min. 30 games (all 1.535 games) No Engines Rating Points Games (%) 1 Dragon 2.6 by Komodo 3777.0 148.50 158 93.99 2 Stockfish 15 3764.2 187.50 198 94.70 3 McBrain 9 3442.2 78.50 94 83.51 4 AsmFish 2018-07-05 3423.8 76.00 93 81.72 5 Velvet 4.1.0 3369.1 41.50 48 86.46 6 Combusken 2.0.0 3161.0 85.50 114 75.00 7 StockNemo 5.7.0 3140.7 81.50 116 70.26 8 RofChade 2.1 3137.3 118.50 168 70.54 10 Critter 1.6a 3050.0 90.50 138 65.58 11 ...

Stockfish 220911 for Android

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR=3089 Stockfish 220911 for Android - download Our social media: Individual statistics:  Stockfish 200320 - 168 games (+113,= 50,-  5), 82.1 % SugaR 20180424                :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 % Xiphos 0.5.5                  :   8 (+  8,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Stockfish 10                  :   4 (+  1,=  3,-  0), 62.5 % Godel 6                       :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Komodo 10                     :   6 (+  3,=  3,-  0)...

Stockfish 15 wins CEDR MacOS Tournament (Test by Black Swan, Neuteich, 29-31.10.2022)

Time: 3'+3", GUI-Banksia Intel Core i5, 8 GB Memory , macOS 306 Tournament games , Table created: Scid vs PC

Fritz 17 CEDR Tournament (2022.10.28-29)

🕒🕓 3'+3" 💻  Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB    🖬 GUI-Fritz 17   💾 All games CEDR  26.266 games  (15'+10")  and  54.925 games  (3'+3")   💾   132 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary

Chess Tournament First Edition (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Breitenburg, 2022.10.26)

System is a AMD Ryzon 3950X with 16 CPU, 64MB RAM, Windows 10 Enterprise,  GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book -  Super GM_4mvs Time 3'+3"    220 games download 💾 All games CEDR  26.266 games  (15'+10")  and  47.968 games (3'+3")  @chessenginesdiary

Chess engine for Android: Winter 0.9.30

Winter is a chess engine that relies on the UCI protocol to communicate with a GUI. Contributors: Jonathan Rosenthal,  Jonathan Maurer,  Jonas Kuratli. Winter 0.9.30 for Android - download Individual statistics: Winter 0.9.7 - 74 games (+ 16,= 12,- 46), 29.7 % Weiss 1.2                     :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Asymptote 0.8                 :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Ditto 1.0a                    :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Igel 3.0                      :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Mayhem 6.8                    :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Spider 1.1c  ...

Chess engine for Android: Mayhem 7.6

  Mayhem -  UCI chess engine , Author:  Toni Helminen Rating CEDR (3'+3") =1826 M ayhem 7.6 for Android download Individual statistics:  Mayhem 6.8 for Android - 111 games (+ 21,=  2,- 88), 19.8 % BrainLearn 12.1               :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Stockfish 13                  :   4 (+  0,=  0,-  4),  0.0 % Cfish 190221                  :   4 (+  0,=  0,-  4),  0.0 % Ditto 1.0a                    :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Igel 3.0                      :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Odonata                      ...

Fire-zero 10262022 - new version best UCI chess engines!

Fire - UCI chess engine, Rating CEDR=2883 Thanks to the Author - Norman Schmidt  v. Fire-zero 1007 2022 fire-zero 10262022-094307 This is the 10th release of includes embedded nnue net 10262022-094307 ~3350 Elo Fire-zero 10262022 download Individual statistics: Fire-zero 08032022 - 42 games 3'+3"  (+ 16,=  5,- 21), 44.0 % Stockfish 15                  :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Lozza 2.4                     :   2 (+  1,=  0,-  1), 50.0 % ShashChess 23                 :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % BrainLearn 18                 :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Avalanche 1.1.0               :   2 (+...

Chess engine for Android: Alexandria 3.0.1

Chess engine: Alexandria  Author: PGG106  Rating CEDR=??? (no tests) v.3.0 Reduce more on non-pv nodes (LMR) by @PGG106 in #29 Singular extension by @PGG106 in #31 use a separate thread to handle uci commands by @PGG106 in #32 don't nmp if current side has only king and panws on the board by @PGG106 in #33 clamp lmr reduction to [0, depth-1] by @PGG106 in #35 Skip bad captures in QSearch based on SEE score by @PGG106 in #36 Remove evaluation pruning by @PGG106 in #37 Cap history score to +-32768 by @PGG106 in #39 History pruning by @PGG106 in #40 Save original static eval and use it in place of search score when appropriate by @PGG106 in #41 stop checking if move exists before returning tt score by @PGG106 in #42 Use a Relative 768->512->1 net by @PGG106 in #43 Add flag to unroll loops to the makefile by @PGG106 in #44 Batch update Nnue in case of moved pieces by @PGG106 in #45 remove countermove heuristic by @PGG106 in #46 Cleanup Code by @PGG106 in #47 Prefetch TT entr...