
Showing posts from February, 2024

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New version chess engine: Black Marlin 9.0 NNUE

Black Marlin - UCI engine, Author: Doruk SEKERCIOGLU Rating CEDR=3515 v.9.0: Black Marlin 9.0 gains ~90 Elo over Black Marlin 8.0 at long time controls and makes a few significant changes to the engine behavior. The time management algorithm has been entirely rewritten, fixing the problem where Black Marlin could think up to 80% of its remaining time on a single move. Black Marlin 9.0 is the first release to target improvement in longer time controls. The search algorithm has been tuned for long time control performance at over 500000 games. The time management has also been tuned with genetic algorithms to optimize performance for long time controls. Black Marlin 9.0 benefits from significant improvements in the Neural Network Evaluation including a larger dataset of 3.5 billion chess positions. This release also fixes the issue where Black Marlin would rate winning endgames close to drawn. Despite being slower due to the larger neural network, Black Marlin 9.0 comes with significant...

Chess engine: MaxwellChess 3.1 (Patch 3)

Maxwell , chess engine written in Rust. Rating CEDR=2775 v.3.0.8-:3 This patch finishes the UCI "info" command, as well as brings over alot of code I've been working on for the NNUE trainer  MaxwellChess 3.1 (Patch 3) download MaxwellChess 3.0.8 - results Kobra 0.1 4/4 +4 4 Partii Lizard 10.0 0/4 -4 4 Partii Knightx 3.9 0/4 -4 4 Partii Protej 0.6.6 0/4 -4 4 Partii Oxidation 0.4.1 2/2 +2 2 Partii Tcheran 1.1 2/2 +2 2 Partii Sloth 1.5 1/2 +0 2 Partii Oxidation 0.5.0 0.5/2 -1 2 Partii Spike 1.4 0/2 -2 2 Partii 4ku 4.0 0/2 -2 2 Partii Reckless 0.4.0 0/2 -2 2 Partii ChessBrainVB 4.02 0/2 -2 2 Partii Ice4 v4 0/2 -2 2 Partii Pedantic 0.6.0 0/2 -2 2 Partii LTChess 9.3 0/2 -2 2 Partii Princhess 0.15.1 0/2 -2 2 Partii Jet 1.1 0/2 -2 2 Partii Zangdar 2.24 0/2 -2 2 Partii Dumb 2.0 0/2 -2 2 Partii Austerlitz 1.4.7 0/2 -2 2 Partii Bagatur 3.7e 0/2 -2 2 Partii

Strong Engines Tournament, 27-28.02.2024

    💾  220 games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Banksia All  CEDR 286.268 games download  (01.02.2024 - 3'+3")  A small testing tournament of new versions of very powerful chess engines. ShashChess 34.6, Stockfish 16.1, Brainlearn 27 and AbbyStein 2.8 scored the same amount of points. Tech table: Engine KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails AbbyStein 2.8 11539 2654306 49.8 4.3 110.0 478.4 Berserk 12.1 22756 4688050 40.7 4.9 84.9 412.1 Brainlearn 27 11770 2453250 50.2 4.8 83.5 400.7 Kookaburra 2.00 12314 2478420 49.8 5.0 76.6 380.6 Marauders 2.3 11643 2380136 48.6 4.9 81.7 399.6 SF-PRO 23.02.2024 11740 2322389 40.8 5.1 74.8 378.0 ShashChess 34.6 13638 2898517 47.4 4.7 86.7 407.8 Stockfish 16.1 12238 2619462 47.1 4.7 89.1 416.1 Winter 3.0 8291 1521951 23.2 5.4 65.7 358.0 Yuli GM ...

Nibbler 2.4.3 - real-time analysis GUI for Leela Chess Zero (Lc0) - Windows and Linux

Nibbler  is  a real-time analysis GUI for Leela Chess Zero (Lc0), which runs Leela in the background and constantly displays opinions about the current position. You can also compel the engine to evaluate one or more specific moves. Nibbler is loosely inspired by Lizzie and Sabaki. These days, Nibbler more-or-less works with traditional engines like Stockfish, too. Nibbler is loosely inspired by Lizzie. By far the best ICCF analysis tool for Leela. v.2.4.3: Prevent an issue where Nibbler might temporarily display a very stale PV. Thanks to the anonymous reporter of this issue. I'm surprised nobody noticed this before... These days, Nibbler more-or-less works with traditional engines like Stockfish, too. (Ensure MultiPV is 1, Threads (CPU) is set, and Hash is set (more is better), for maximum strength.) Nibbler 2.4.3 download from page Our social media:

Killfish 071223 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2024.02.26)

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"  1190 (!!!) tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  286.268 games download 01.02.2024  (3'+3")    @chessenginesdiary A very big tournament for our great tester Jörn Gronemann. Killfish - the best! P Engines Score +/-/= 1: Killfish 071223 45.5 / 68 (+23 -0 =45) 2: TACTICAL 161223 45.0 / 68 (+23 -1 =44) 3: Cool Iris 11.80 44.0 / 68 (+22 -2 =44) 4: Kookaburra 2.00 43.5 / 68 (+19 -0 =49) 5: CorChess 20240222 43.5 / 68 (+20 -1 =47) 6: Brainlearn 27 43.0 / 68 ...

SugaR AI SE wins 1 League CEDR edition 02/2024, 2024.02.24-26

  🥇 SugaR AI SE  🥈 Lc0 0.31.0-dag+git.a4877961  🥉 Dragon 3.3 by Komodo Relegation to the 2 League:  Seer 2.8.0, Stormphrax 4.0.0,  Viridithas 11.0.0.   💾  240 games from the tournament download   👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Arena All  CEDR 286.268 games download  (01.02.2024 - 3'+3")  League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 1 League Edition 02/2024 - 3’+3” Rating Score note 1. SugaR Al SE 3719 18.0 / 30 2. Lc0 0.31.0-dag+git.a4877961 3707 18.0 / 30 3. Dragon 3.3 3704 18.0 / 30 4. Stockfish 20240214 3762 18.0 / 30 5. Corchess 20240222 3763 17.5 / 30 6. Berserk 12.1 3694 17.5 / 30 7. ShashChess 34.6 ...

First Test chess engine Motor.0.1.0, 2024.02.25-26

  💾  100 games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Arena All  CEDR 286.268 games download  (01.02.2024 - 3'+3")  Chess engine: Motor 0.1.0 The first test of the new Motor.0.1.0 engine turned out well. An engine with a starting rating of 2400 gained 240 points in this tournament. We are waiting for further versions. P Engines CEDR Score Motor 0.1.0 Chg +/-/= 1: Motor 0.1.0 2400 59.0 / 100 XXXXXXX +240 (+53 -35 =12) 2: Cheng 4.46 3257 9.5 / 10 111111=111 +6 (+9 -0 =1) 3: ChessBrainVB 4.03a 3203 9.0 / 10 11==111111 +1 (+8 -0 =2) 4: Odonata 0.8.0 2840 8.5 / 10 1101=11111 -4 (+8 -1 =1) 5: Lynx 1.3.0 2737 4.0 / 10 0=1000110= -49 (+3 -5 =2) 6: CeeChess 1.4 Tuning 2376 ...

Berserk 12.1 wins Middle Class Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2024.02.22 Time: 3'+3")

  GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   650 (!) tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  286.268 games download 01.02.2024  (3'+3")    @chessenginesdiary Invariably, the Berserk 12.1 chess engine is the best among engines that do not use the Stockfish source code. The last version (12.1) was released in November 2023, we are waiting for a new, better version. P Engines Score +/-/= 1: Berserk 12.1 36.0 / 50 ...