
Showing posts from October, 2023

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Chess engine: Akimbo 0.7.0

A kimbo   is a UCI compatible Chess (and Chess960) engine written in Rust. Rating CEDR =3332 v.0.7.0: Main Features Lazy SMP DFRC Support is back A number of search improvements (most notably continuation history) New network, giuseppe, trained on 1 billion positions with arch 768->512x2->8. Self-Play against v0.6.0 ELO   | 96.38 +- 9.21 (95%) CONF  | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=128MB GAMES | N: 2000 W: 654 L: 113 D: 1233 Selecting a Binary If possible, choose the avx2 version. Akimbo - Rating CEDR progres Pl Engine Rating Score Games % 747 Akimbo 0.6.0 3323.2 55.00 124 44.35 903 Akimbo 0.5.0 3098.5 129.00 327 39.45 1092 Akimbo 0.4.1 2836.9 69.00 230 30.00 1151 Akimbo 0.4.0 2756.0 91.00 264 34.47 1172 Akimbo 0.3.0 2735.8 115.50 341 ...

Chess engine: Tenax 0.9.4 (Windows and Linux)

Tenax (a Latin term meaning tenacious) is a UCI compatible chess engine written in ANSI C. Tenax is a traditional Alpha/Beta engine (not NNUE) and uses the most modern move search and selection techniques. Rating CEDR=3348 Author:Roberto Munter Tenax support Szigigy Table Bases.   Ver. 0.9.4:   ---------------------- - correct various bugs Tenax 0.9.4 download

Chess engine for Android: Vafra CFish 15

CFish - UCI chess engine, Rating CEDR=3295 "CFish, a port of Stockfish written in plain C by Ronald de Man, first published on GitHub in July 2016. Possibly inspired by the asmFish project to speed up Stockfish using a programming language closer to the machine, the purpose of CFish is to explore possible optimization issues of C versus C++ compilers" [Chess Programming Wiki]. Individual statistics: Cfish 180418 - 124 games (+ 47,= 69,-  8), 65.7 % Brainfish 20180423            :   8 (+  0,=  7,-  1), 43.8 % Igel 2.0.0                    :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % McBrain 20180210              :   6 (+  1,=  5,-  0), 58.3 % Honey X5i                     :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 % SugaR 20180424  ...

Dragon free wins Amateur League CEDR group A2 edition 07/2023, 2023.10.28-30

  🥇 Dragon free   🥈 LTChess 9.1   🥉 Peacekeeper 2.00 Promotion to the  Amateur League Group A1 :  Dragon free, LTChess 9.1,  Peacekeeper 2.00. Relegation to the Amateur League Group A3:  Vengeance 3.0.0, Wize 1.0,  Cheng4 0.41. 💾   240 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM  🖬 GUI-Arena Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 💾 All CEDR  193.371 games download  (3'+3")  Prelims: Amateur and new engines A1 Edition 07/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note 1 Obsidian 6.0 3224 23.0 / 30 promotion 2 Avalanche 2.0.0 3280 21.5 / 30 promotion 3 Pawn 2.0 3248 21.0 / 30 promotion 4 Expositor 2BR17 3161 19.5 / 30 5 Midnight v8 3286 18.5 / 30 6 Svart 5.0.0 ...

CorChess 20231024 wins New Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.10.29

  💾   506(!) games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM 🖬 GUI-Banksia Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 💾 All CEDR  193.371 games download  (3'+3")  Tech table: name KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov movame time/game fails AbbyStein v2 5067 816649 36.6 6.2 46.3 287.1 Akimbo 0.6.0 6520 1240750 25.3 5.3 59.0 309.9 Alexandria 5.0.0 3292 636188 26.1 5.2 56.9 294.4 Berserk 12 10211 1785639 33.3 5.7 55.1 315.2 Berserk 20230907 9310 1893175 30.6 4.9 66.9 328.8 Brainlearn 26.1 5341 871450 37.1 6.1 47.9 293.8 Carp 3.0.1 4207 825226 23.5 5.1 58.9 300.3 CorChess 20231024 5580 873801 30.7 6.4 42.8 273.6 Critter 1.6a 18444 3035269 19.6 6.1 50.5 307.0 Deep Blue 20230628 5701 914155 38.5 6.2 44.5 277.5 Fisherov chess monk 1.2 8160 1246806 37.9 6.5 44.3 290.1 Lynx 0.18.0 2803 440478 11.4 6.4 36.0 229.1 MIDA 2.2 969 163895 20.5 5.9 46.3 273.9 3 Obsidian 6.0 10854 1843678 24...

Chess engine for Android: ShashChess 34.1

  ShashChess -  is a free UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish family chess engines.  Rating CEDR=3398 Android builds were generated with CECSA (Chess Engine Compiler Script for Android). Chess engines are located in the libs directory and are available for arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86 and x86_64 based devices. If a chess engine supports NNUE (Neural Network Updated Efficiently) technology and the network is not embedded in the binary, you will find the missing network file in the networks directory. Individual statistics:  ShashChess 8.0 - 189 games (+ 96,= 72,- 21), 69.8 % Brainfish 20180423            :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 % McBrain 20180210              :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 % Honey X5i                     :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 % SugaR 20180424...

Chess engine for Android: Seer 2.7.0 NNUE

Author: Connor McMonigle  Rating CEDR=3049 v.2.7.0 This release adds an estimated 50 Elo in self play under UHO testing conditions. This improvement in strength can be attributed to further optimizations to the network inference implementation, an improved network trained using a new regularization scheme, and a number of miscellaneous search improvements in roughly equal measure. As was the case for the prior release, the embedded network was trained solely on data originating from Seer produced by way of many self play iterations starting with the initial "retrograde learning" network bundled with v2.0.0-v2.1.0 as a base. Android builds were generated with Android NDK Seer 2.7.0 for Android download Seer 2.7.0 NNUE for Windows

Brainlearn 26.1 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2023.10.29 Time: 3'+3")

  GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   840(!) tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  193.371 games download  01.10.2023  (3'+3")   @chessenginesdiary P Engine Score +/-/= 1: Brainlearn 26.1 43.0 / 80 (+7 -1 =72) 2: TACTICAL 041023 42.5 / 80 (+5 -0 =75) 3: ShashChess 34.1 42.0 / 80 (+5 -1 =74) 4: Sun Light 3.0 sl 41.0 / 80 (+2 -0 =78) 5: AbbyStein v2 41.0 / 80 (+3 -1 =76) 6: Raid v2.78i_X 41.0 / 80 (+3 -1 =76) 7: Stockfish 20231027 40.5 / 80 (+3 -2 =75) 8: SF PB 221023 40.5 / 80 (+2 -1 =77) 9: Eman 9.51 40.5 / 80 ...

Chess engine: Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish

Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish - UCI chess engine Compilation by Robert Jurjevic. Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish download

Chess engine: CederChess 2

CederChess - a chess engine by Claus Cederberg CederChess is a chess engine written in the C++ programming language. It is an ungoing project, and hopefully the future versions will become better and better. Currently I'm working on version 2. It all started many years ago when I was a student. Me and a co-student wrote a chess engine called ChickenChess in the start 1990s. All programs we wrote at that time was called something starting with "Chicken". I can't remember why. The engine wasn't particulary good, but we passed the examination. Then around 2014 or so, I read a paper describing an engine where the evaluation score only depended on material and positions, nothing else. I can't find the paper now. I implemented it in Java and forgot all about it. Then in 2022, I was again interested in chess and chess engines and decided to rewrite the Java program to a C program and get it on CCRL Blitz. The rewriting took some effort, because I also wanted it to b...

Chess engine: Boychesser 1.0 (Windows, MacOS and Linux)

Chess engine: Boychesser 1.0.   The final version of Boychesser submitted to Sebastian Lague's challenge with an added UCI harness and slightly modified to support a configurable TT size. Estimated to be around 2750 Elo on the CCRL Blitz list. Boychesser 1.0 download github:

Chess engine: Alpaca 0.2.5

Alpaca - Open-source chess engine written in Golang. UCI and XBoard compatible. It does not include its own GUI for chess playing, but games can be played from the terminal in console mode. Alpaca is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file. Alpaca 0.2.5 download

YuliGM Pro 13 - new version (Our testers start testing today)

  YuliGM Pro 13  - new version (Our testers start testing today). Rating CEDR=3730 Check back with us in a few days, the results from the first tests of the YuliGM Pro 13 engine will be available. Rating CEDR progres -  YuliGM Pro. Pl Engine Rating Score Games % 58 Yuli GM PrO 9.0 3730.3 314.00 535 58.69 287 YuliGM PrO 5.0 3712.8 555.00 968 57.33 351 YuliGM PrO 4.0 3707.5 161.50 295 54.75

Chess Engine: Hazard 3.78 (Stockfish derivatives)

Hazard -  (Stockfish derivatives) by Tanick Ramz  Rating CEDR=3733 Hazard engine results with other engines: Engines Score +- Viridithas 11.0.0 6/8 4 Alexandria 5.0.0 5.5/8 3 Cool Iris 11.30 4/8 0 Yuliirma 2.1 4/8 0 AbbyStein 1.5 4/8 0 Altair 5.0.0 6/6 6 Princhess 0.13.0 6/6 6 Obsidian 4.0 6/6 6 Lux 3.1 6/6 6 Willow 3.1 6/6 6 Akimbo 0.6.0 5.5/6 5 Carp 3.0.1 5.5/6 5 Texel 1.10 5.5/6 5 Avalanche 2.0.0 5.5/6 5 Luna 2.0.0 5.5/6 5 Midnight 8 5.5/6 5 Stormphrax 2.0.0 4.5/6 3 SF-Pro 17092023 3/6 0 Chers 0.5.0 4/4 4 Stockfish 20230911 Ivec 2/4 0 Stockfish 16 2/4 0 Hazard 3.78 download