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Chess engine: Caissa 1.21.7

Another version of a very powerful chess engine has appeared, which wants to beat Stockfish. We are very happy about this - we will do the first tests of this version of the engine for you soon.

Caissa - UCI chess engine,  Author: MichaĹ‚ Witanowski
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3706

Update 2-ply-back continuation history

Elo   | 0.72 +- 0.62 (95%)
SPRT  | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
LLR   | 2.11 (-2.94, 2.94) [0.00, 2.00]
Games | N: 332766 W: 80290 L: 79598 D: 172878
Penta | [1333, 39748, 83523, 40452, 1327]

Bench 7141438

Caissa 1.21 - results:
Alexandria 7.1.072/136+8136 Games
Starzix 6.067.5/104+31104 Games
RubiChess 2024081757.5/96+1996 Games
Berserk 2024111944/85+385 Games
Motor 0.8.0 JA46.5/79+1479 Games
PlentyChess Games
Dragon 3.339.5/75+475 Games
Viridithas Games
Integral v532.5/55+1055 Games
Stormphrax 6.0.032/55+955 Games
Integral v631/54+854 Games
Berserk 1327.5/53+253 Games
Velvet 8.1.1 JA33.5/49+1849 Games
PlentyChess 4.0.122/47-347 Games
Alexandria 7.0.14 JA26.5/45+845 Games
Lizard 11.2.021/40+240 Games
Lizard Games
Stockfish 1717.5/36-136 Games
PlentyChess Games
Devre 6.39 JA20/33+733 Games
Horsie 1.0.6 JA18/33+333 Games
Obsidian 14.01 SE16.5/32+132 Games
Uralochka 3.42 dev718/28+828 Games
Clover 8.1 JA16/27+527 Games
Berserk 2025020314/27+127 Games
Yuliana 5.5012/27-327 Games
Integral 7.0.0 JA14.5/25+425 Games
Obsidian 15.04 SE12.5/25+025 Games
Big Yuli GM 22102412/25-125 Games
Velvet Games
Obsidian 14.23 SE11/22+022 Games
Chess-System-Tal-213.5/21+621 Games
Obsidian 14.05 SE11/21+121 Games
Titan 1.1.012/20+420 Games


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