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Chess engine: Leptir EH (Stockfish clone)

Leptir - Stockfish clone
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3747

  • Author: Leptir EH reloaded by Solista. This engine is a special version for correspondence chess players. I published it as Big Leptir about a year ago.
(source code):

Stockfish is a free, powerful UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. Stockfish is not a complete chess program and requires a UCI-compatible graphical user interface (GUI) (e.g. XBoard with PolyGlot, Scid, Cute Chess, eboard, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably.

Leptir 070224 vs other engines:
Eman 9.905.5/11+011 Games
CorChess 202402095.5/11+011 Games
Leorik 3.09/10+810 Games
Booot 7.37/10+410 Games
Alexandria 6.05.5/10+110 Games
ShashChess 34.65/10+010 Games
Caissa 1.175.5/8+38 Games
Brainlearn 274/8+08 Games
Lizard 10.23.5/7+07 Games
Odonata 0.8.06/6+66 Games
TDFA 1.1.06/6+66 Games
Clarity Games
Reckless Games
Cheng 4.465/6+46 Games
Tenax 0.9.55/6+46 Games
Altair 7.0.04/6+26 Games
Kookaburra 2.003/6+06 Games
SF-PRO 16.02.20243/6+06 Games
Stockfish 202402143/6+06 Games
Stockfish 202402092.5/5+05 Games
Stockfish 20240203 Ivec2.5/5+05 Games

Leptir EH download

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