Elixir 3.0 JA wins Young Talents CEDR, 27-30.11.2024

Here are the results of the Young Talents tournament, in which new or amateur versions of chess engines played. The Elixir 3.0 JA engine won, the Chesscpp 4.10 JA engine came in 2nd, and the Molybdenum 4.1 engine came in 3rd. To compare the playing power of these engines, the "benchmark" Critter engine played in the tournament. More results on our website, check back so you don't miss them. Chess Engines Diary Team All CEDR 480.735 games download (01.11.2024, 3'+3") 💾 342 games from the tournament download 👍 @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM 🖬 GUI-Arena Ran Engine Author CEDR Score S-B 01 Elixir 3.0 JA Arjun Basandrai 2400 34.5/36 565,00 02 Chesscpp 4.10 JA Evgeniy Korniloff 2400 34.0/36 549,50 03 Molybdenum 4.1 rn5f107s2 2400 32.0/36 497,75 04 Critter 1.6a Richard Vida 3230 25.5/36 358,75 05 ChandraChess 2.0 Adi...