
Showing posts from November, 2023

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Chess engine: Alexandria 5.1.0 NNUE

Chess engine: Alexandria  Author: PGG106  Rating CEDR=3589 v.5.1 LTC Progression test Elo   | 28.55 +- 6.11 (95%) Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB Games | N: 6148 W: 1771 L: 1267 D: 3110 Penta | [22, 501, 1546, 961, 44] Progression test was run on the 8moves-noob.epd book. What's Changed improved search Improved eval Improved TM Alexandria - Rating CEDR progres: Pl Engine Rating Score Games % 625 Alexandria 5.0.0 3589.8 693.50 1132 61.26 676 Alexandria 4.0 3519.1 362.50 626 57.91 781 Alexandria 3.5 3367.6 158.00 276 57.25 839 Alexandria 3.0.2 3291.9 129.50 224 57.81 854 Alexandria 3.1.0 3271.5 215.00 373 57.64 856 Alexandria 2.4 3269.9 229.50 352 65.20 908 Alexandria 3.0 3200.3 72.50 160 45.31 9...

Chess engines: Sawfish 2TC (Stockfish derivative)

  Sawfish  (Stockfish derivative) - UCI chess engine Sawfish - Stockfish derivative made for fun, often sharp and sometimes crazy. The engine is suitable for playing and analyzing, it supports Polyglot books. v.2TC: Tactical feature, book can be added manually or place in the folder where the engine is and change name/s to saw.bin and fish.bin 3+1 Score of Sawfish 2TC vs Sawfish 1.0-avx2: 8 - 1 - 111 [0.529] ... Sawfish 2TC playing White: 8 - 0 - 52 [0.567] 60 ... Sawfish 2TC playing Black: 0 - 1 - 59 [0.492] 60 ... White vs Black: 9 - 0 - 111 [0.537] 120 Elo difference: 20.3 +/- 16.7, LOS: 99.0 %, DrawRatio: 92.5 % 120 of 120 games finished. Sawfish 2TC download

Eman 9.70 wins Strong Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.11.29)

  @chessenginesdiary  🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM  🖬 GUI-Banksia 💾   870 (!) games from the tournament download Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 💾 All CEDR  218.153 games download  (3'+3")  Tech table: Engine KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails AbbyStein v2.8 4380 888610 38.0 4.9 66.3 326.8 Berserk 12.1 9091 1618636 32.2 5.6 63.2 355.0 Brainlearn 26.3 4861 817723 36.7 5.9 53.3 316.7 Caissa 1.14.1 11786 1980940 29.2 5.9 56.3 334.9 Cool Iris 11.50 4494 784702 34.0 5.7 58.0 332.1 CorChess 20231115 4778 798392 32.5 6.0 52.2 312.6 Crystal 7 CMB 4284 758178 28.7 5.7 51.1 289.0 Crystal 7 CMB Ipman 4294 776118 28.7 5.5 54.7 302.7 Eman 9.70 4707 823142 33.5 5.7 58.8 336.3 Fire 9.2 9924 1817075 23.2 5.5 68.3 372.8 Fisherov chess monk 1.2 6819 1181835 36.0 5.8 58.1 334.9 Hazard 3.83 4623 922942 38.4 5.0 61.6 308.7 Incognito 4 4210 682037 31.6 6.2 49.3 304.1 Kookaburra v1.02 0 ...

Stockfish 20231120 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2023.11.28 Time: 3'+3")

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   728(!) tournaments games download  💾 All games CEDR  218.153 games download  01.11.2023  (3'+3")   @chessenginesdiary P Engine Score +/-/= 1: Stockfish 20231120 54.0 / 104 (+5 -1 =98) 2: YuliGM Pro 14 53.5 / 104 (+4 -1 =99) 3: Patzer AI X-256 53.0 / 104 (+3 -1 =100) 4: Brainlearn 26.4 53.0 / 104 (+5 -3 =96) 5: INCOGNITO 4 52.5 / 104 (+3 -2 =99) 6: Hazard v4.1 52.5 / 104 (+1 -0 =103) 7: Stockfish 16 52.0 / 104 (+1 -1 =102) 8: Eman 9.80 52.0 / 104 (+3 -3 =98) 9: Vanilla 14c 52.0 / 104 (+2 -2 =100) 10: ShashChess 34.5 51.5 / 104 (+1 -2 =101) 11: Killfish 231123 51.0 / 104 (+0 -2 =102) 12: Cool Iris 11.50 50.5 / 104 (+0 -3 =101) 13: Polyfi...

Godot-Chess 1.0.3 - chess engine and GUI

  Godot-Chess 1.0.3 - chess engine and GUI Author MasterKitten Godot-Chess 1.0.3 download

Today start League Chess Engines edition 08/2023 (TOP-64)

 Today start League Chess Engines edition 08/2023 (TOP-64) . The table shows engine versions from the 7/2023 edition. If there are newer engine versions, they will be replaced when a given league starts. League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 1 League Edition 08/2023– 3’+3” Rating Score 1. Fisherov chess monk 1.2 3723 2. ShashChess 33.2 3728 3. SugaR Al SE 3701 4. Stockfish 16 3716 5. Dragon 3.2 3686 6. Lc0 0.30 3672 7. Berserk 20230907 3654 8. RubiChess 20230918 3614 9. Koivisto 9.20 Impan 3590 10. Alexandria 5.0 3551 11. Clover 6.0 3579 12. Igel 3.5.0 3576 13. Slowchess 2.9 3532 14. Caissa 1.13.1 3565 15. Ara...

Berserk 12.1 wins Middle Clas Engines (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2023.11.26 Time: 3'+3")

  GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   450 tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  218.153 games download  01.11.2023  (3'+3")   @chessenginesdiary P Engine CEDR +/-/= 1: Berserk 12.1 58.5 / 90 (+28 -1 =61) 2: Ethereal 14.25 55.5 / 90 (+22 -1 =67) 3: RubiChess 20230918 51.5 / 90 (+18 -5 =67) 4: Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish 50.0 / 90 (+14 -4 =72) 5: Chess-System-Tal-2.00 49.5 / 90 (+17 -8 =65) 6: Uralochka 3.40a 47.0 / 90 (+10 -6 =74) 7: Koivisto 9.2 47.0 / 90 (+13 -9 =68) 8: rofChade 3.1 43.0 / 90 (+9 -13 =68) 9: Revenge 3.0 38.0 / 90 (+9 -23 =58) 10: z5 2.1 10.0 / 90 (+0 -70 =...

Chess engine: Eubos 2.26 (java engine)

Eubos - a  basic Java chess engine, written for kicks. Uses jcpi for the UCI protocol parts. Kind of weak, doesn't evaluate for king safety, for example. Now uses transpostion hashing, but because it runs in the Java VM on a bog standard PC, doesn't search very deeply (around 100K Nodes/s, though this is actually quite hard to evaluate due to the hashing).  Author: Chris Bolt  Rating CEDR=2478 v.2.26 This release works around an issue whereby the move returned in the UCI best move command could be different than the computed principal variation. That is always bad, sometimes awfully bad. The defect seems to be most prevalent at longer time controls, it is possible its impact is fairly neglible in bullet and faster blitz time controls. To install Eubos as an engine in Arena: 1. Select Engines > Install New Engine 2. In the file browser dialog that appears, change the drop down to *.bat 3. Navigate to the Eubos binary location, select the Eubos.bat 4. Select UCI p...

Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2023.11.25 Time: 3'+3")

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   420 tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  218.153 games download  01.11.2023  (3'+3")   @chessenginesdiary P Engine Score +/-/= 1: Raid 3.1 29.0 / 56 (+2 -0 =54) 2: INCOGNITO 4 29.0 / 56 (+2 -0 =54) 3: TACTICAL 171123 28.5 / 56 (+1 -0 =55) 4: Patzer AI X-256 28.5 / 56 (+1 -0 =55) 5: SF-PRO 19.11.23 28.5 / 56 (+1 -0 =55) 6: ShashChess 34.4 28.5 / 56 (+1 -0 =55) 7: Cool Iris 11.50 28.5 / 56 (+1 -0 =55) 8: Hazard v4.1 28.5 / 56 (+2 -1 =53) 9: YuliGM Pro 14v 28.0 / 56 (+0 -0 =56) 10: Killfish 231123 ...

Stockfish 20231107 wins New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.11.26)

    @chessenginesdiary  🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  🖬 GUI-Banksia 💾   702 games from the tournament download Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 💾 All CEDR  218.153 games download  (3'+3")  Tech table: Engine KN/move NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails AbbyStein v2.8 4898 930615 41.4 5.3 53.8 283.0 Akimbo 0.7.0 3772 602138 23.7 6.3 46.7 292.5 Arcanum 1.11.1 5866 765365 10.9 7.7 32.4 248.5 20 Brainlearn 26.3 5334 848855 37.2 6.3 46.3 291.1 Caissa 1.14.1 12186 2081635 28.9 5.9 57.6 337.4 Cool Iris 11.50 5097 815805 32.9 6.2 45.1 282.0 CorChess 20231115 5332 865584 33.8 6.2 46.8 288.3 Crystal 7 CMB 4950 871517 29.1 5.7 46.3 263.1 Crystal 7 CMB Ipman 4882 830668 26.7 5.9 46.2 271.6 DanaSah 9.1 3128 514695 21.3 6.1 54.6 331.7 Dragon 3.3 by Komodo 6328 1077148 30.8 5.9 53.0 311.2 Dragon by Komodo free 8870 1559175 26.2 5.7 57.7 328.2 Fire 9.2 10110 1755370 23.3 5.8 57.5 331....