
Showing posts from December, 2024

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CoreChess - open source chess GUI

CoreChess is an open source chess GUI for chess engines Human vs Engine mode Human vs Human mode. Engine vs Engine mode. Supported engines UCI (Universal Chess Interface) like Stockfish, Komodo/Dragon and Leela Chess Zero CECP (Chess Engine Communication Protocol) like Crafty The King (Chessmaster). Supported only on Windows. The King (Chessmaster) To use The King (the Chessmaster engine) you need the file TheKing333.exe (Chessmaster 10), the "Personalities" folder and the "Opening Books" folder and patch the engine using the OPK patch that disables the copy protection. You can then set the personalities path and opening books path in the engine settings. Supported opening book formats Polyglot (BIN) Arena opening book (ABK) Chessmaster (OBK) Prerequisites :  NET 8.0 SDK v. Upgraded avalonia to v11.2.3 CoreChess download

New version chess engine (java): Lozza 4.0

Lozza - Javascript chess engine inspired by Fabien Letouzey's Fruit 2.1. Lozza was an exercise in principal variation search and hand-coded evaluation. It's easy to use Lozza into your web projects. Communication is via the UCI protocol, which also allows it to be used offline in chess user interfaces via Nodejs (etc.). v.4.0: v4 uses a bigger network, loads weights from a file and has some minor optimisations. The network was trained with trainer.js using self-play data generated with datagen.js. Please use the latest version of Node for best performance:- Note that Lozza 4 will not start unless Node v20 or above is used. Author - Colin Jenkins  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2847 Lozza 3.0 JA vs other engines: Rhetoric 1.4.3 3.5/10 -3 10 Games Eveann 2.1 2/7 -3 7 Games Stockfish 17 0/6 -6 6 Games 4ku 5.1 0/6 -6 6 Games Eubos 3.7 JA 4/4 +4 4 Games Skiull 0.6 4/4 +4 4 Games CT800 1.46 1.5/4 -1 4 Games Donut dev.38ee0c6 JA 0/4 -4 4 Games Schoenemann 0.3.0 0...

Fire 10 - new version best UCI chess engines!

Fire - UCI chess engine, Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3584 author compilation - Norman Schmidt  Fire 9.3 vs other engines: Stockfish 16.1 8.5/38 -21 38 Games Rebel 16.3 15.5/37 -6 37 Games Koivisto 9.2 14.5/34 -5 34 Games Berserk 13 9.5/34 -15 34 Games Seer 2.8.0 14/32 -4 32 Games Caissa 1.18 12/30 -6 30 Games RofChade 3.1 14.5/29 +0 29 Games RubiChess 20240112 11/28 -6 28 Games Viridithas 12.0.0 13/27 -1 27 Games Yuli GM Pro 16 7/26 -12 26 Games Cool Iris 12.10 6.5/26 -13 26 Games Clover 6.1.19 11/25 -3 25 Games Black Marlin 9.0 11.5/24 -1 24 Games Ethereal 14.25 10/24 -4 24 Games Arasan 24.2.2 12/23 +1 23 Games Igel 3.5.5 10/23 -3 23 Games Stormphrax 4.1.0 12/22 +2 22 Games Alexandria 6.1.0 6.5/22 -9 22 Games Alexandria 7.0.0 6/22 -10 22 Games Yuliirma 4.0 4.5/22 -13 22 Games Akimbo 1.0.0 11.5/20 +3 20 Games Fire 10 download

Brainlearn 30 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2024.12.29)

Another tournament of the strongest chess engines was won by Brainlearn 30 . In 2nd place the SF-PRO 27.12.24 engine and in 3rd place the Stockfish dev-20241222 engine. Further tests are ongoing, results soon on our website. Chess Engines Diary Team GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - 4 GM mvs book,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   1012 (!) tournaments games download    💾 All games CEDR  515.173 games download  01.12.2024   @chessenginesdiary P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/= 1: Brainlearn 30 47.0 / 88 2059.50 (+6 -0 =82) 2: SF-PRO 27.12.24 46.0 / 88 2018.50 (+4 -0 =84) 3: Stockfish dev-20241222 45.5 / 88 1999.00 (+4 -1 =83) 4: Killfish 021224 45.5 / 88 1995.50 (+3 -0 =85) 5: CorCh...

Arcanum 2.4 wins New Amateur Engines Test, 26-29.12.2024

The tournament of new, amateur chess engines was won by Arcanum 2.4. In 2nd place the Zangdar 2.31.04 engine and in 3rd place the RukChess 4.0.1 engine. More tests are ongoing, results soon on our website. Chess Engines Diary Team All CEDR  515.173 games download  (01.12.2024)  💾  272 games from the tournament download 👍 @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City -  Malbork   🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Aquarium Pl Engine Score SB 1 Arcanum 2.4 28.5 398.3 2 Zangdar 2.31.04 28.0 383.5 3 RukChess 4.0.1 26.5 361.0 4 Sturddle 2.01 26.5 348.0 5 Lynx 1.8.0 26.5 339.0 6 Mayhem 8.5 19.5 212.8 7 Colossus 2024a 19.5 190.3 8 Euwe 2.0.0 19.0 189.0 9 Jackal 1.2.0 15.5 165.3 10...

Nice checkmate - game: Quanticade 0.8 JA - Dog 2.5 JA

We present the Quanticade 0.8 JA and Dog 2.5 JA: Android Game Engines. These are engines for Android. At the end you will see a nice checkmate on the chessboard.

Obsidian dev-14.20 SE wins New Young Talent Test, 26-28.12.2024

A small test tournament - young talents, i.e. chess engines aspiring to the elite. The Obsidian dev-14.20 SE engine won, the Arasan 25.0 engine took 2nd place, and the Halogen 12.12.3 JA engine took 3rd place. The next tournaments are ongoing, results will be available on our website soon. Chess Engines Diary Team All CEDR  515.173 games download  (01.12.2024)  💾  224 games from the tournament download 👍 @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City -  Malbork   🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Banksia Tech table: Engine KN/move NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/gam time/gam fails Arasan 25.0 17779 3448785 30.2 5.2 63.4 327.0 Halogen 12.12.3 JA 24955 5026155 28.7 5.0 79.6 395.0 1 Heimdall 1.2.2 13028 2416851 33.0 5.4 70.8 381.7 Monty-dev-20241209 4282 911552 7.8 4.7 97.7 458.9 Obsidian dev-14.20 SE 20674 3849933 48.5 5.4 58.9 316.2 Patricia 4.0 28584 5879486 37.3 4.9 82.0 398.6 Sting Black Hole 8 22967 43...

Chess engine: Igel 3.6.0 NNUE

Igel - UCI chess engine, Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3617 Author : Volodymyr Shcherbyna (Fork of GreKo 2018.01) v.3.6.0: What's new: extend by 2 in singular extension on non pv move improve low bound condition in singular extension check beta score in probcut condition store in TT in standing pat in qsearch implement iid tune null move depth tune razor depth remove instant moves handling Regression run against Igel 3.5.0: Long Time Control With Increment (60s+0.6s) Elo   | 21.28 +- 3.60 (95%) Conf  | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=64MB Games | N: 8860 W: 2461 L: 1919 D: 4480 Penta | [7, 798, 2299, 1298, 28] Short Time Control With Increment (10s+0.1s) Elo   | 20.07 +- 3.21 (95%) Conf  | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=8MB Games | N: 13918 W: 3953 L: 3150 D: 6815 Penta | [76, 1392, 3306, 2023, 162] Igel 3.5.0 vs other engines Viridithas 12.0.0 18/31 +5 31 Games Seer 2.8.0 13.5/28 -1 28 Games RubiChess 20240112 12/28 -4 28 Games Berserk 13 7/24 -10 24 Games Fir...

Chess engine: Astra 4.1 and NNUE

Astra   is a UCI chess engine written in C++. Author: Semih Özalp ## Credits - [Stockfish]( - [Koivisto]( - [Smallbrain]( - [Chess Programming Wiki]( v.4.1: History Updates Added 6-Ply Continuation History Added Capture History Added Correction Histories Improved overall move history tracking and updating Search Improvements Removed Check Extension Improved static evaluation Added history pruning Improved null move pruning Improved singular extension Improved late move pruning Improved delta pruning in quiescence search Miscellaneous Introduced a new, more flexible move generation More efficient move picker Astra 4.1 and NNUE download

New version chess engine: Raid 3.7 TacticaL RetreaT (Stockfish derivative)

Raid - is a Stockfish derivative . Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3765 Raid 3.7 TacticaL RetreaT download Raid 3.6 vs other engines: Stockfish 16.1 127/252 +2 252 Games Yuli GM Pro 16 120/241 -1 241 Games Stockfish 17 101/198 +4 198 Games Dragon 3.3 84.5/153 +16 153 Games Yuliana 5.0 75.5/150 +1 150 Games YuliGM Strong 180824 72.5/142 +3 142 Games JigSaw 6.0 67/136 -2 136 Games Deep Blue 20240518 65.5/132 -1 132 Games Kookaburra 3.00 66/130 +2 130 Games Yuliirma 4.0 57.5/118 -3 118 Games Tactical Titan 53.5/104 +3 104 Games JigSaw 5.9 47/96 -2 96 Games Yuliana 5.50 42.5/87 -2 87 Games ShashChess 37 42.5/85 +0 85 Games HypnoS legacy 180824 45/83 +7 83 Games Big Yuli GM 221024 41/81 +1 81 Games Crystal 8 43/80 +6 80 Games Brainlearn 30 39.5/79 +0 79 Games Rems 101024 38/76 +0 76 Games Deep Ripper -1 37/72 +2 72 Games RapTora 3.0 35.5/69 +2 69 Games CorChess 20240823 33/65 +1 65 Games SugaR AI SE 33/63 +3 63 Games Berserk 13 37/62 +12 62 Games Marauders 3.8 31.5/62 +1 62 Games Cool Iris...