
Showing posts from April, 2024

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New chess engine: Bitbit 1.2

Bitbit -  chess engine written in C. Author: Isak Ellmer (Sweden) All other files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike  4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0). That includes this file, the various binary files  and any files that do not have a license notice for GPLv2. A copy of CC BY-SA  4.0 is available at <>. Bitbit 1.2 download

Chess engine: SF-PB 280424 (derived from Stockfish)

SF-PB  Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1   Copyright (C) 2004-2023 The Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file) Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This new version works with the NNUE neural networks. Rating CEDR=3759 Individual statistics: SF PB 081023 Lifish+HalfKP 1.0 5/5 +5 5 Games Viridithas 12.0.0 4/5 +3 5 Games Velvet 7.1.0 4/5 +3 5 Games Black Marlin 9.0 4/5 +3 5 Games Tenax 0.9.5 3.5/5 +2 5 Games Obsidian 11.0 3/5 +1 5 Games Stockfish 16.1 3/5 +1 5 Games Yuliirma 4.0 2.5/5 +0 5 Games SF-PRO 08.03.2024 2.5/5 +0 5 Games ShashChess 34.6 2.5/5 +0 5 Games Yuli GM Pro 16 2/5 -1 5 Games Texel 1.11 3/4 +2 4 Games Fisherov chess monk 1.2 2/4 +0 4 Games BabChess 1.0.0 1/1 +1 1 Games Expositor 4WR02 1/1 +1 1 Games TDFA 1.1.0 1/1 +1 1 Games Kob...

Chess engine: Pedantic 1.0.0

  Pedantic - UCI engines Rating CEDR=3124 v.1.0.0: Playing strength improvements: AMD Ryzen 7 5800h ♦ 256mb Hash Table ♦ 3-6 Man Syzygy ♦ Concurrency 14 ♦ openings-10ply-100k.pgn +91 +/-12 Elo over Pedantic 0.6.2 in self-play at 20+0.2 time controls. +115 +/-12 Elo over Pedantic 0.6.0 in self-play at 20+0.2 time controls. Self-Play Results Rank Name             Elo     +/-   Games    Wins  Losses   Draws   Points   Score    Draw    0 Pedantic 1.0.0   103       8    4000    1761     609    1630   2576.0   64.4%   40.8%    1 Pedantic 0.6.2   -91      12    2000     325     836     839    744.5   37.2%   41.9%    2 Pedantic 0.6.0...

Peacekeeper 2.40 wins 3 League CEDR edition 03/2024, 2024.04.30

The 3rd League of the best chess engines of the Chess Engines Diary Team was won by Peacekeeper 2.40 . Second place was Lizard 10.3 and third place was Fire Zero 5192023 . These three engines were promoted to the 2nd League - congratulations! The last three engines in the table were relegated to the 4th League: Stash 35.0, StockDory Starfish-0.1 and Xiphos 0.6.1 . 🥇 Peacekeeper 2.40  🥈 Lizard 10.3  🥉 Fire Zero 5192023 Promotion to the 2 League:  Peacekeeper 2.40, Lizard 10.3, Fire Zero 5192023 .  Relegation to the 3 League:  Stash 35.0,  StockDory Starfish-0.1,  Xiphos 0.6.1. 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Banksia All  CEDR  317.321 games download  (01.02.2024 - 3'+3")   💾  240 games from the tournament download   👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 1 League E...

New chess engine: Akira CE 1.0.15

  Akira CE - winboard chess engine Author: Adam Adair Version: 1.0.15 Added setting for random (1 - 50 centipawns, default: 5) Approx. CCRL rating: 1750,  CEDR ranking - engine not tested yet Akira CE 1.0.15 download

Velvet 7.3.0 wins 2 League CEDR edition 03/2024, 26-29.04.2024

  🥇 Velvet 7.3.0  🥈 Igel 3.55  🥉 Dragon free Promotion to the 1 League:  Velvet 7.3.0,  Igel 3.55,  Dragon free .  Relegation to the 3 League:  Komodo 14.1,  Minic 3.41,  Wasp 6.50. 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Arena All  CEDR  317.321 games download  (01.02.2024 - 3'+3")  x  💾  240 games from the tournament download   👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 1 League Edition 03/2024 - 3’+3” Rating Score note 1. SugaR Al SE 3725 18.5 / 30 2. Corchess 20240422 3750 17.5 / 30 3. ShashChess 35.2 3747 17.0 / 30 4. Lc0 BT4 3712 17.0 / 30 5. Stockfish 16.1 3760 16.5 / 30 6. Dragon 3.3 3711 16.5 / 30 ...

New chess engine: Bitbit 1.1

Bitbit -  chess engine written in C. Author: Isak Ellmer (Sweden) All other files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike  4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0). That includes this file, the various binary files  and any files that do not have a license notice for GPLv2. A copy of CC BY-SA  4.0 is available at <>.   Bitbit 1.1 download

Yuliirma 4.0 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Heide, 2024.04.26 Time: 3'+3")

Our next test, a large tournament in which over 1,000 games were played, was won by the Yuliirma 4.0 chess engine. This engine is only available to our testers. In second place is the official version of Stockfish 16.1 and in third place is Stockfish 20240421 . GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - short ICCF book,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   1050 (!!!) tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  317.321 games download  01.04.2024  (3'+3")    @chessenginesdiary

Stockfish 16.1 wins Strong Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 25-27.04.2024

 Another large testing tournament of the most powerful chess engines is uploaded by the official version of Stockfish 16.1 . In second and third place, respectively, are the SF-PRO 13/04/2024 and Yuli GM Pro 16 engines, which are currently only available to our testers. Places 20 to 25 for chess engines that are not Stockfish clones or variants. 💾  600 (!) games from the tournament download   👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  🖬 GUI-Banksia All  CEDR  317.321 games download  (01.04.2024 - 3'+3")  Tech table: Engine KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails AbbyStein v2.8 1783 381545 36.4 4.7 66.3 309.8 AI 28.0 2757 509427 33.1 5.4 57.5 311.0 Alexandria 6.1.0 2776 526280 29.5 5.3 66.8 352.1 Arasan 24.2.2 3315 496196 26.8 6.7 47.6 317.7 Berserk 13 4184 752718 32.8 5.6 63.3 351.9 Cool Iris 12.10 1832 313533 25.3 5.8 57.0 333.0 Cor...

Floyd 0.9 JA - UCI chess engine ( for Windows, Linux and Android).

Floyd  - UCI chess engine  ( for Windows, Linux and Android). Floyd 0.9 64 JA - not a new release but new builds. Rating CEDR=2380 Author- Marcel van Kervinck   Version 0.9: m ain changes: Gained approximately 180 elo at fast time controls Better handling of zugzwang positions Fixed illegal moves deep in PV (reported by Dirk-Jan D.) Full solution for the "0readyok" problem: also don't split info lines Able to abort search in Python module (e.g. by Ctrl-C)  Under the hood: Added history counters for move ordering Improved move ordering for killers Improved null move pruning/reductions (aka verification) Added delta pruning Added hanging piece evaluation Added basic futility pruning, razoring and stand pat pruning Some minor evaluation weight tuning Simplified UCI move printing Eliminated spurious "Illegal move" in debug mode  Floyd 0.9 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page