
Showing posts from August, 2024

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Chess engine: KnightX 4.11 (Windows and Linux)

KnightX - winboard chess engine Author- Christophe Jolly  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2825 KnightX ,  a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compliant chess engine by Christophe Jolly, written in C, and alias and successor of the native Windows program Techno Chess. KnightX, supporting WinBoard, was first published in December 1999, and since 2004, KnightX 1.86 runs under Linux via XBoard. KnightX played the Massy 2003 French Programmers Tournament, and the FCCC 2003 French Computer Chess Championship. After a long break from 2005 with KnightX 1.92, Christophe Jolly had his comeback in February 2019, when he released Knightx 1.93, continuing with subsequent versions. ( source: Chess Programming Wiki). v4.11: King safety changed to favor castling Compiled with gcc version 12.2.0 The regression tests give +30 Elo, but it should be less. Knightx 4.0 - results: MadChess 3.2.2 3/5 +1 5 Games DoctorB 1.2.1 JA 4/4 +4 4 Games Javelin 1.0.0 4/4 +4 4 Games Princhess 0.17.0 1/4 -2...

Chess engine: Bagatur 5.1c JA

Bagatur - UCI chess engines,   Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR= 3118 Author: Krasimir I. Topchiyski   v.5.1c: Fix *.sh scripts and make them working Revise how the distribution looks like: Pack all java classes and NNUE data file into a single jar file Move bat/sh scripts to the root of the distribution Add a configured main class to run the engine in order to remove the necessary program arguments in the scripts Bagatur 5.1a - results: JigSaw 5.9 0.5/14 -13 14 Games Nalwald 19 2.5/12 -7 12 Games Lizard 10.5 2/11 -7 11 Games Knightx 4.1 9.5/10 +9 10 Games Lambergar 0.6.0 3/10 -4 10 Games Motor 0.6.0 1/10 -8 10 Games HypnoS 140724 1/10 -8 10 Games Obsidian 13.0 0/10 -10 10 Games Caissa 1.19 0/10 -10 10 Games Drosophila 1.6 JA 8/8 +8 8 Games Arcanum 2.2 8/8 +8 8 Games Arasan 24.2.2 1/8 -6 8 Games Yuliana 5.0 0.5/8 -7 8 Games Alexandria 7.0.0 0/8 -8 8 Games Stockfish 16.1 0/8 -8 8 Games Bread Engine 1.0.0 7/7 +7 7 Games Aurora 1.16.2 6/6 +6 6 Games Patricia 3 2.5/6 ...

New version chess engine: Nectar 0.1.4 and NNUE

Nectar - UCI chess engine Author: Dragjon The engine was created recently and has not played enough games yet to be on the CEDR ranking list. Tests of this version soon. v 0.1.4: Changes from V0.1.3 Efficient updates (UE) Self-generated data New architecture Several refactoring SIMD Hand-tuning params Score of NectarV0.1.4 vs NectarV0.1.3: 307 - 214 - 117  [0.573] 638 ...      NectarV0.1.4 playing White: 146 - 114 - 60  [0.550] 320 ...      NectarV0.1.4 playing Black: 161 - 100 - 57  [0.596] 318 ...      White vs Black: 246 - 275 - 117  [0.477] 638 Elo difference: 51.0 +/- 24.6, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 18.3 % SPRT: llr 2.97 (100.9%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted Nectar 0.1.4 NNUE download

Stockfish Ivec 20240820 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2024.08.27)

Another big test tournament of the most powerful chess engines. And again the compilation prepared by Ivan Ivec wins - Stockfish Ivec 20240820 . In second place SF PB 200824 . Places 3-5 were taken by engines SF-PRO 14.08.20244, Yuliana 5.0 and CorChess 20240823 . GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - 4 GM mvs book,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   1050 (!) tournaments games download   💾 All games CEDR  405.780 games download 01.08.2024 (3'+3")    @chessenginesdiary P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/= 1: Stockfish Ivec 20240820 73.0 / 140 5086.75 (+9 -3 =128) 2: SF PB 200824 72.0 / 140 5030.50 (+7 -3 =130) 3: SF-PRO 14.8.24 71.5 / 140 4997.00 (+3 -0 =137) 4: Yuliana 5.0 71.5 / 140 4995.50 (+3 -0 =137) 5: CorChess...

MEGA Dysk for donors: update 31.08.2024 ( 20 chess engines, and book - 2 file,games -1 file)

  Dear sponsors and friends. Especially for you, new engines, books and GUI added to the MEGA disk. Thank you for supporting our work. MEGA Dysk - update 31.08 .2024   ( 20 chess engines) Windows: (14 files): Aramis Bagatur 5.1c.7z BGrassy Dev.5f18d51 JA.7z Catto Corchess 20240823.7z CT800 1.46.7z Kobol 1.1.7z Mufasa 0.21 JA.7z Quanticade Aurora 0.8.7z Raid v3.6 TacticaL RetreaT.7z Schoenemann Stockfish 20240820 Ivec.7z Tamerlane Zangdar 2.30.7z MacOS (1 files): Aramis 1.4.0 for MacOs.7z Android (5 files): BGrassy Dev.5f18d51 JA for Android.7z Clover 7.1 for Android.7z CT800 1.46 for Android.7z Devre 6.0 for Android.7z Inanis 1.4.0 for Android.7z Book and NNUE (2 file): Adrio 250824_bin.7z LesChats 240824 (bin).7z Games (1 file): 22Spilimbergo2024.7z GUI (0 files): --- How to become a sponsor: -  here

Some new chess engines for Android: BGrassy Dev.5f18d51 64 JA, Clover 7.1, CT800 1.46, Devre 6.0, Inanis 1.4.0

New versions of chess engines for Android have been released. As usual, we present them for you to download, here is another portion of these engines: 👉 BGrassy Dev.5f18d51 64 JA Author: Brock Grassy  Rating Chess Engines Diary  CEDR=??? Jim Ablett profiled builds BGrassy Dev.5f18d51 64 JA download 👉  Clover 7.1 Author: L uca Metehau Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3303 Clover 7.1 for Android download 👉 CT800 1.46 Rating Chess Engines Diary  CEDR=2434    Author: Rasmus Althoff CT800 1.46 for Android download 👉 Devre 6.0 Author: Ömer Faruk Tutkun  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=??? Devre 6.0 for Android download 👉 Inanis 1.4.0 Author - Pawel Osikowski  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2435 Inanis 1.4.0 for Android download

New version chess engine: Aramis 1.4.0

  Aramis is a uci-compliant chess engine that does not have its own GUI. This project has been largely inspired by my previously built python chess engine which I estimate to play around 1400 - 1500 ELO.  Because of the performance improvement brought by the C++ compiler, this engine has already surpassed its predecessor and will be soon sent to CCRL to test its performance against other engines.  Author: Federico Saitta v.1.4: V1.4.0 of Aramis which is about 100 ELO stronger than the previous release. This new version includes some bugfixes, SPSA tuning of search parameters, improvements to move ordering and history heuristic. Addition of TT reading and writing in quiesce and the use of SEE to prune in quiesce, in PVS and to order captures (good/bad). For now this project will be shelved due to the lack of computing power and time on my part. Aramis 1.4.0 download

Stockfish 20240803 Ivec wins Chess Engines Diary Rating Cup 08.2024

  Stockfish 20240803 Ivec , the chess engine that is the leader of the CEDR rating list also won the CEDR Cup 08.2024 . The victory in the final match with the Dragon engine was minimal +1 =23, but deserved. If you like this formula - a cup tournament, we will continue it.  All CEDR games 405.780 download    💾 24 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Fritz 17

Chess engine: Bagatur 5.1c and NNUE

Bagatur - UCI chess engines,   Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR= 3118 Author: Krasimir I. Topchiyski   v.5.1c: Fix *.sh scripts and make them working Revise how the distribution looks like: Pack all java classes and NNUE data file into a single jar file Move bat/sh scripts to the root of the distribution Add a configured main class to run the engine in order to remove the necessary program arguments in the scripts Bagatur 5.1a - results: JigSaw 5.9 0.5/14 -13 14 Games Nalwald 19 2.5/12 -7 12 Games Lizard 10.5 2/11 -7 11 Games Knightx 4.1 9.5/10 +9 10 Games Lambergar 0.6.0 3/10 -4 10 Games Motor 0.6.0 1/10 -8 10 Games HypnoS 140724 1/10 -8 10 Games Obsidian 13.0 0/10 -10 10 Games Caissa 1.19 0/10 -10 10 Games Drosophila 1.6 JA 8/8 +8 8 Games Arcanum 2.2 8/8 +8 8 Games Arasan 24.2.2 1/8 -6 8 Games Yuliana 5.0 0.5/8 -7 8 Games Alexandria 7.0.0 0/8 -8 8 Games Stockfish 16.1 0/8 -8 8 Games Bread Engine 1.0.0 7/7 +7 7 Games Aurora 1.16.2 6/6 +6 6 Games Patricia 3 2.5/6 ...

Chess Engines Diary Rating Cup 08.2024 - match: Dragon-Lc0

In the second semi-final match, the Dragon engine defeated Lc0 with a score of 13-11. Lc0 is playing better and better, but it still requires a computer worth a lot of money.   All CEDR games  405.780 download    💾  24 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Fritz 17

New version chess engine: CT800 1.46

CT800 - UCI chess engine,  The CT800 is a dedicated chess computer running open source software. Currently, you cannot buy a CT800, but you can build your own one given the extensive documentation. The chess engine itself runs also under Windows, Android, Linux, and on Raspberry Pi. You can enjoy the engine’s unique playing style with all popular chess applications. The CT800, rated at about 2200 Elo, is a serious opponent for any amateur chess player up to club level. Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2825    Author: Rasmus Althoff Changes from v1.46 - Made the root aspiration window in search incremental. - Removed pawn race and PV trade deepening. - More opening book knowledge. - Cleaned up configuration definitions. - Updated the ARM GCC version from 12.3.1 to 13.3.1. UCI versions: - Moved automated tuner to its own source file. Windows: - Updated the GCC version from 9.3.0 to 13.2.0. CT 1.46 results: Opponent Score +- Games Kelp 0.12.0 23/23 +23 23 Games Caissa 1.1...

Chess Engines Diary Rating Cup 08.2024 - match: Stockfish-Obsidian

  A very high victory for the Stockfish engine in the first semi-final match of the CEDR Cup. It was 9 wins, 15 draws and no losses. All CEDR games  405.780 download    💾  24 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Fritz 17

New chess engine: Schoenemann 0.1.0

  Schoenemann - UCI Chess Engine Author:  Jochengehtab This is the first release of Schoenemann. It uses a NNUE with 512 HiddenLayers and PVS as it's search function. Testet against Akimbo v0.4.0 which has roughly shown that the engine is around 150 elo weaker (at LTC and STC). It does currently not support FRC. Schoenemann 0.1.0 download

Chess Engines Diary Rating Cup 08.2024 - match: Obsidian-PlentyChess

  The match concluded the 1/8 CEDR Cup featuring top-rated chess engines as per the Chess Engines Diary Rating. Following a tightly contested battle, the Obsidian engine emerged victorious by a slim margin, securing its place in the quarterfinals. All CEDR games  405.780 download    💾  24 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Fritz 17

SF-PRO 14.08.2024 wins Fritz Strong Engines Test, by CEDR 2024.08.22 - 2024.08.25

As many as seven chess engines scored the same number of points: SF-PRO 14.08.2024, Stockfish 20240820, Marauders 3.8, Stockfish 20240803, Artemis TR, Stockfish 16.1 and Steel Fighter III. The best additional score had the SF-PRO engine on 14.08.2024. All CEDR games  405.780 download    💾  342 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City -  Malbork   🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Fritz 17 P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/= 1: SF-PRO 14.08.2024 20.0 / 36 351.00 (+4 -0 =32) 2: Stockfish 20240820 20.0 / 36 348.75 (+4 -0 =32) 3: Marauders 3.8 20.0 / 36 348.50 (+4 -0 =32) 4: Stockfish 20240803 20.0 / 36 346.75 (+4 -0 =32) 5: Artemis TR 20.0 / 36 345.75 (+4 -0 =32) 6: Stoc...