
Showing posts from January, 2024

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Interesting game: SF-PRO 27.01.2024 Stockfish 20240117 (1-0)

 Interesting game: SF-PRO 27.01.2024 Stockfish 20240117 (1-0) Time: 3" + 3",  Swiss CEDR Tournament, 29-30.01.2024

Leptir Ultra wins Swiss CEDR Tournament, 29-30.01.2024

  💾   108 games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB  🖬 GUI-Aquarium All CEDR  265.714 games download  (3'+3")  The Swiss system tournament was won by Leptir Ultra .  Of course, there is no need to draw any major conclusions, because you only have 9 games, but the entire Leptir series plays very well. We would like to draw your attention to the spectacular victory achieved by the SF-PRO 27.01.2024 over the Stockfish 20240117 engine. This batch will be included in the next entry. Pl Engines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Score WP 1 Leptir Ultra + 18 w + 21 b = 2 w = 3 b + 7 w = 5 b + 14 w + 12 w = 6 b 7.0 38.0 2 ...

Leptir 100124 wins Fritz New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.01.24-28

  💾   462 games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB  🖬 GUI-Fritz 17 All CEDR  265.714 games download  (3'+3")  The winner was the Leptir 100124 chess engine. The official Stockfish 16 version was in second place, only half a point behind. A good result for the Obsidian 10 engine, which lost only one game. P Engines Score +/-/= 1: Leptir 100124 35.5 / 42 (+29 -0 =13) 2: Stockfish 16 35.0 / 42 (+28 -0 =14) 3: Polyfish 240114 34.5 / 42 (+27 -0 =15) 4: Obsidian 10.0 33.0 / 42 (+25 -1 =16) 5: Arasan 24.1 31.5 / 42 (+22 -1 =19) 6: Minic 3.41 30.5 / 42 (+22 -3 =17) 7: Uralochka 3.41.dev1 30.0 / 42 (+...

Chess engine: Superultra 2.0 NNUE

Superultra (NNUE) Rating CEDR=3488 Superultra is a UCI compliant chess engine that uses an alpha-beta search framework, various heuristics and optimization techniques, and an efficiently updatable neural network (NNUE) in order to analyze chess positions and calculate moves. v.2.0: Major Changes: Revamped NNUE Changed hidden layer size from 384 to 512 Changed king bucket count from 6 to 10 (mirrored) Created 8 output weight buckets that are selected based on the number of pieces left More training data from the same dataset More relaxed quantization Improvements Introduced cut-nodes Optimized QS SEE and Probcut Rewrote time manager score fluctuation multiplier Decay old histories New features Ponder Support for various UCI Search specifications such as depth limit and node limit New Makefile Elo (STC 6+0.06) Score of V2.0 vs V1.0: 189 - 88 - 284  [0.590] 561 ...      V2.0 playing White: 112 - 40 - 130  [0.628] 282 ...      V2.0 playing Black: 77...

RubiChess 20240112 wins New Amateur Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 20-25.01.2024

  💾   552 (!) games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary  Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM  🖬 GUI-Arena All CEDR  265.714 games download  (3'+3")  The latest versions of the RubiChess 20240112 and Uralochka 3.41 dev1 chess engines performed very well. Of the engines tested for the first time, the Starzix 4.0 engine was highest in the table. However, this is not a new engine, but a changed name of the Z5 engine. R Engine CEDR Score S-B 01 RubiChess 20240112 3643 39.0/46  780,75  02 Uralochka 3.41 dev1 2599 38.0/46  754,50  03 Caissa 1.16 3663 37.5/46  740,25  04 Obsidian 10 3632 37.0/46  722,00  05 Starzix 4.0 2400 35.0/46  653,25  06 Arasan 24.1 3551 34.5/46  652,00  07 Texel 1.11 3445 34.0/46  613,50  08 Pawn 3.0 3425 33.0/46  600,00  09 Renegade 1.0.0 3002 31.5/46  547,75...

MEGA Dysk for donors: update 30.01.2024 ( 85 chess engines )

  Dear sponsors and friends. Today is the second update of the MEGA drive in January. We hope your download will be quick. Thank you for supporting our work. MEGA Dysk - update  30.01.2024 (58 chess engines) Windows: (69 files): Arasan 24.1.7z AteNika.7z Aurora Avalanche Bagatur 4.0.7z Bagatur 4.1.7z Blocky Caissa 1.16.7z CalvinChess 3.2.0-jdk17.7z Catto Catto Catto Cheng 4.43.7z Cheng 4.44.7z Clarity CorChess 20240103.7z Counter 5.5.7z Dragonrose 0.21.7z Dragonrose 0.24.7z Fatalii Hazard v4.21 DuaL eXperimentaL.7z Lambergar Leptir 090124.7z Leptir 100124.7z Leptir 230124.7z Leptir Big-Ultra.7z Leptir Ultra.7z Lizard 10.1 NNUE.7z Lunarr Lynx Marauders 2.7z Marauders 2.1.7z Midnight v9.7z Minic 3.40.7z Minic 3.41.7z Obsidian 10.0.7z Oxidation Pawn 3.0.7z Pedantic Pingu PlentyChess PlentyChess PlentyChess Polyfish 20240114....

Raid 3.2 wins Acer Arena Tournament for older computers (Chess Engines Diary by Tedi, 2024.01.20-25)

💾   650 (!) games from the tournament download  👍 @chessenginesdiary 🕓 Time 3'+3" 💻 Acer Aspire E1-570, Intel Core i3-3217U 3,9 GB Memory  🖬 GUI-Arena Country - Poland, City -  Malbork 💾 All CEDR  265.714 games download  (3'+3")  Since some readers asked for tests on older computers, today's tournament on a 11-year-old computer. It was cleaned and updated by our cooperator Tedi. A very useful tournament for people with older computers. As you can see, it can run many of the latest chess engines. The winner was the Raid 3.2 engine, which, with the same number of points, had a better supporting score thanks to its victory over the Hazard 4.21 Dual engine. P Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/= 1: Raid 3.2 3737 39.5 / 50 +10 (+29 -0 =21) 2: SF-PB 070124 3759 39.5 / 50 +5 (+29 -0 =21) 3: Stockfish 20240108 Ivec 3742 39.0 / 50 ...

Chess engine: Leptir Big-Ultra (Stockfish clone)

Leptir - Stockfish clone Rating CEDR=3730 Author : Try another way! Special version for ultra long analysis and correspondence chess. Experimental version with large NNUE Network with Dimension 3072. For Leptir Ultra and Leptir Big-Ultra I would use for analysis Random Op. MultiPV 2. These engines have a significantly slower search than Leptir, CorChess and Cool Iris. Stockfish is a free, powerful UCI chess engine derived from  Glaurung 2.1. Stockfish is not a complete chess program and requires a UCI-compatible  graphical user interface (GUI) (e.g. XBoard with PolyGlot, Scid, Cute Chess, eboard,  Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably. Read the documentation for your GUI of choice for information about how to use Stockfish with it.   Leptir Big-Ultra download

The Chess Engines Diary League - edition 1/2024 has ended

 The Chess Engines Diary League - edition 1/2024 has ended. In this edition, we tested a total of 186 chess engines . TOP 64 in four leagues, and 122 amateur (or new) engines in two qualifying tournaments played using the Swiss system.  The best in the 01/2024 edition was the ShashChess 34.5 engine. The full tables are below: League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 1 League Edition 01/2024 - 3’+3” Rating Score note 1. ShashChess 34.5 3741 37,5 2. Corchess 20240103 3741 36 3. Stockfish 20231231 3755 35,5 4. SugaR Al SE 3718 34,5 5. Dragon 3.3 3703 33,5 6. Lc0 BT4 3670 32 7. Berserk 12.1 3699 30 8. RubiChess 20230918 3643 30 9. Chess-System-Tal-NNUE-2 3638 30 10. Rofchade ...