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New MEGA Dysk for donors - 01.02.2025 ( 169 files added)

Schoenemann 0.4.0 wins Amateur League group E-06 Season 01/2025, 2025.01.26-29

JudaS ++ 4.0 wins Top Engines Tournament, 29.01.2025

Artemis 7TR - powerful chess engine derived from Stockfish

Stockfish dev-20250125 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2025.01.29)

New chess engine: Horsie 1.0.6 JA (Windows, Android and Linux)

Belette 3.0.0 wins Amateur League CEDR Group E-05 Season 01/2025, 2025.01.25-30

New chess engine: Potential 1.0.0

HypnoS ++ 1.0 wins Fritz new Engines Test, 2025.01.26-29

Uralochka 3.42 dev7 wins Arena Test new Chess Engines, 22-25.01.2025