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Interesting game: Alexandria 7.1.0 - Obsidian 14.23 SE (1-0)

The game was played with "Middle Class Engines Tournament 2025.01.10", which ended with the victory of the Alexandria 7.1.0 engine.

Time: 3'+3", 

Partia mi si� podoba�a (ChessBase 16)
[Event "Big Engines"] [Site "*"] [Date "2025.01.10"] [Round "1.52"] [White "Alexandria-7.1.0"] [Black "Obsidian dev-14.23 SE"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A42"] [PlyCount "155"] [EventDate "2025.??.??"] [TimeControl "180+3"] {[%evp 0,155,19,-12,56,28,33,33,36,36,57,24,40,41,25,22,42,37,32,36,49,33,35,28,49,65,71,58,81,53,53,32,31,42,25,37,45,32,40,46,60,21,61,48,31,18,39,-27,46,13,95,36,93,95,83,111,107,113,121,83,80,95,121,84,79,79,86,77,78,66,39,42,48,25,53,45,79,79,68,71,38,87,99,100,129,122,166,72,72,84,84,157,131,167,338,338,365,437,385,200,202,196,196,196,249,249,397,325,394,379,397,385,504,544,543,541,605,531,531,680,740,818,862,681,865,862,872,872,885,1318,1318,1409,1777,1409,1607,1780,2402,2402,2402,2402,2402,2606,28865,2912,29983,29986,29989,29990,29991,29992,29993,29994,29995,29996,29997,29998,29999,29999]} 1. c4 g6 2. e4 Bg7 3. d4 d6 4. Nc3 e5 {End of openingA42: Modern defence, Averbakh system} 5. Nf3 {+1.4/24 10658 6897698} exd4 {+0.6/32 33780 51230974} 6. Nxd4 {+1.3/25 6633 5164533} Nc6 {+0.6/30 7170 11347627} 7. Be3 {+1.2/27 6858 6007625} Nxd4 {+0.6/29 5667 8956374} 8. Bxd4 {+1.1/26 8095 7200471} Nf6 {+0.6/29 6972 11087067} 9. Be2 {+1.4/25 8972 4885150} O-O {+0.6/27 5653 9083406} 10. O-O {+1.3/24 4871 4745572} Re8 {+0.5/26 6674 10604323} 11. f3 {+1.2/25 7907 6307334} c6 {+0.5/26 7428 11653957} 12. Qd2 {+1.4/24 5175 5085012} Be6 {+0.4/26 5933 9466888} 13. Rad1 {+1.6/26 6557 3774182} a6 {+0.7/32 27680 42353246} 14. Bf2 {+1.4/28 12132 10275060} Bf8 {+0.6/30 15706 24407011} 15. a4 {+1.4/25 5091 4528588} Nd7 {+0.7/30 15087 23380573} 16. f4 {+1.4/24 4678 4421007} f5 {+0.7/30 16833 25661021} 17. exf5 {+1.4/25 6337 5766642} Bxf5 {+0.7/26 4291 6821076} 18. g4 {+1.6/25 6124 4566552} Be6 {+0.7/24 5623 8778426} 19. b3 {+1.6/25 5675 4432075} Nc5 {+0.7/27 5457 8684511} 20. b4 {+1.4/24 7554 6230193} Nd7 {+0.5/27 6624 10364542} 21. a5 {+1.4/24 7798 7930337} Bf7 {+0.4/26 6165 9617221} 22. g5 {+1.2/27 26232 30626815} Qc7 {+0.4/27 4617 7174550} 23. Bd4 {+1.7/28 19108 18331602} d5 {+0.9/29 19022 28288741} 24. f5 {+2.6/29 19595 17148209} Bd6 {+0.8/31 14846 22203754} 25. Bd3 {+3.2/22 3927 2358485} Ne5 {+0.8/27 5271 7951672} 26. c5 {+3.3/26 6769 5049005} Bf8 {+1.1/27 4608 7171471} 27. f6 {+3.1/27 6274 3961282} Nxd3 {+1.0/28 6732 10376263} 28. Qxd3 {+2.5/27 4831 1901444} Rad8 {+1.0/32 5955 9459874} 29. Qh3 {+1.9/29 15287 12349627} Be6 {+0.9/27 1661 2808029} 30. Qh4 {+2.0/26 2291 1462213} h5 {+0.9/31 6940 10450485} 31. gxh6 {+1.6/26 2949 3082531} Qh7 {+0.9/24 1113 1730145} 32. Be3 {+2.1/28 4950 3329412} Bf5 {+0.9/26 2205 3467717} 33. Bg5 {+2.4/27 4265 2618641} Qf7 {+0.8/27 2565 4023021} 34. Rfe1 {+2.1/29 13021 16302079} Kh7 {+1.1/29 7845 12267127} 35. Re2 {+2.7/24 1723 1326656} Rxe2 {+1.1/29 4324 7084703} 36. Nxe2 {+2.5/24 1952 2448938} Re8 {+1.6/26 2186 3577413} 37. Ng3 {+2.8/27 3049 2711958} Qd7 {+1.9/28 5070 7883279} 38. Qf4 {+4.1/26 2520 2551617} Be6 {+1.8/25 886 1483370} 39. Re1 {+4.6/27 1848 2335417} Bf7 {+1.7/28 2117 3557574} 40. Rxe8 {+4.9/27 2619 2100374} Qxe8 {+1.9/29 3792 6497521} 41. Kf2 {+5.2/28 3259 2448349} d4 {+2.4/29 3403 6271159} 42. Qxd4 {+5.6/28 2451 2027616} Qe6 {+2.4/26 1067 1906675} 43. h4 {+5.8/27 2901 3143348} Qh3 {+2.2/24 1262 1856667} 44. Nf1 {+6.0/27 1784 1709984} Bd5 {+2.1/25 1275 2183492} 45. Ne3 {+6.1/28 1784 1863243} Qh2+ {+3.1/29 8573 15136980} 46. Ke1 {+6.2/30 2856 1767052} Be6 {+2.4/27 1939 3285208} 47. Qd8 {+6.4/34 2122 1897672} Qg1+ {+2.7/35 2547 4632155} 48. Kd2 {+6.5/36 2535 2574082} Qf2+ {+3.1/36 4117 8023869} 49. Kd3 {+6.5/37 3249 1712552} Bf5+ {+3.2/36 2123 4251939} 50. Nxf5 {+6.8/38 1912 2917919} Qxf5+ {+3.6/36 4335 8768732} 51. Kc3 {+7.0/37 1782 2650921} Qe6 {+3.5/35 997 2106094} 52. Bd2 {+7.0/36 1931 2611954} Qf7 {+3.8/40 4545 9016547} 53. Kb2 {+8.1/36 2899 4268537} Kh8 {+3.9/36 1965 3756066} 54. h7 {[%eval 1401,30] 2927 3690670} Kxh7 {+7.6/27 2661 5576022} 55. Kc3 {[%eval 1507,26] 2690 3241175} Bg7 {+9.7/28 6125 14388818} 56. fxg7 {[%eval 1804,30] 3241 5140196} Qxg7+ {[%eval 1004,28] 3623 10155733} 57. Kc2 {[%eval 2207,31] 2809 5021838} Qf7 {+9.7/30 1373 3840406} 58. Bc3 {[%eval 2908,29] 3672 6803477} g5 {[%eval 1604,25] 4426 11716901} 59. Qxg5 {[%eval 3405,32] 4776 6623186} Qa2+ {[%eval 2405,27] 3287 9386291} 60. Kc1 {[%eval 4200,31] 3020 5988658} Qf7 {+7.2/25 548 1549295} 61. Qf6 {[%eval 4504,29] 3296 7303549} Qg8 {[%eval 3300,24] 2422 8742221} 62. Qe7+ {[%eval 4703,29] 3316 8481271} Kg6 {[%eval 2102,22] 900 2690476} 63. Qg5+ {[%eval 5000,31] 4633 6262412} Kf7 {+7.2/22 1280 3741379} 64. Qxg8+ {[%eval 5803,28] 2906 7222370} Kxg8 {[%eval 1103,22] 2060 7454726} 65. Kc2 {[%eval 6104,27] 3029 9971636} Kf7 {[%eval 14407,22] 6164 14597212} 66. Bd2 {[%eval 6408,28] 3940 9918625} Ke6 {[%eval 14407,29] 1975 3830180} 67. Kd3 {[%eval 7300,30] 3571 8723337} Kf5 {[%eval 3501,26] 1416 2246957} 68. h5 {M+12/37 5719 9613051} Ke5 {M-11/35 4127 8634141} 69. h6 {M+11/36 6005 4404904} Kf6 {M-10/37 2562 6344736} 70. Ke4 {M+10/37 4984 4152031} Kg6 {M-9/38 1753 5168962} 71. Bg5 {M+8/42 5532 12106747} Kxg5 {M-7/82 1699 10436912} 72. h7 {M+7/87 2003 10556197} Kf6 {M-6/123 1413 9138231} 73. h8=Q+ {M+6/130 1905 10085207} Ke7 {[%emt 0:00:22] M-5/123 118532} 74. Ke5 {M+5/232 4236 21985560} Kd7 {[%emt 0:00:16] M-4/123 36766} 75. Qb8 {M+4/256 110 604100} b6 {[%emt 0:00:15] M-3/123 25269} 76. Qb7+ {[%emt 0:00:34] M+3/256 139281} Kd8 {[%emt 0:00:14] M-2/123 4684} 77. Ke6 {[%emt 0:00:31] M+2/256 7216} b5 {[%emt 0:00:14] M-1/123 963} 78. Qd7# {[%emt 0:00:28] mate M+1/256 4871} 1-0
